
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday.....Friday.....Friday...blah blah blah

Fri Sep 16, 2005

Well its Friday again and I doubt if anyone has even noticed the lack of reports the last few weeks but I didn't feel like writing anything so there.

Updates: The political prisoners are all moved out to the gulags and the holding area has been renovated for other uses. The Feline tried to lay claim to the area but was removed by security personnel. The canines didn't seems to show much interest in the change at all. The canines are rather oblivious to most things I've noticed. The move was made without incident and completed easily all the prisoners moved are doing well in their new homes. There was one casualty in this although the medical staff say the loss was due to natural causes as the prisoner was not doing well to start with.

With the coming of autumn it is hoped things will cool down in the workers paradise and perhaps there will be more issues to report between the canines and the feline. As it sits right now the canines have the feline outnumbered and the feline has the canines outclassed. Which leaves us in a bit of a stalemate situation. Minor attacks have been carried out on both sides but neither has taken an obvious advantage. I had hoped with the coming of cooler weather the canines will come out of the dog days of summer and do something but so far its not happening.

I fear the stalemate will continue and my boredom with the situation will lead to drastic measures being taken. But for the time being I am simply enjoying some time off and having no political prisoners to have to manage is quite enjoyable. I think I will have to incarcerate one of the canines soon just to give the security/death squad troops something to do but we will deal with that in its time. Bored security/deathsquad troops is not a good thing, right now I have the different squads reporting on each other just to keep them busy.

So I think I will close this report on this note. Remember..I have crazy bored security/deathsquad troops and I'm not afraid to use em. So please for the sake of the monitors in this society speak clearly while your plotting. I mean mumbling is just rude and it gives the monitors a little too much leeway in reporting what you say and trust me you don't want them getting creative. Till next time remember We know what your up to........ and we wont tell if the check is big enough.

(Editors Note: This is the last of the historical record. I am not certain but I think I may be able to convince the  Beloved Patriarch\Revered Leader\ President for Life to send me more updates as I understand there have been some changes to the workers paradise since these were written. You may have noticed a change in title for the author He informs me the addition was "forced" upon him by the insistence of his loving subjects...err fellow citizens. We will see if I can get him to give us any more updates in the future.)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday....Big freakin whoop.

Fri Aug 12, 2005 

It was a dark and stormy night in the workers paradise. Things were thin, like shoe leather that had walked over too much concrete. Life had that sad repetition like a scratched LP with a dull needle in the stylus. Always revolving over the same groove in a Satchmo album.


Lets just say SSDF this week and move on. I'm sure you all have something much more important to do than read this issue of the reports from the workers paradise and say to yourselves " Self, this looks the same as the last report." So in the interest of brevity which a far better writer than myself has already pointed out, "is the soul of wit". I will leave you gentle reader with this thought...... Tune in next week when you can hear the Feline say......

Friday, November 18, 2011

Its Friday..according to Mr. Spocks tricorder at least

Fri Aug 05, 2005 

Well it looks like another Friday has made its appearance. This week has been rather uneventful for the workers paradise with one exception. So lets get right to the exception and not waste any time about it.

The Political Prisoner that was removed to the medical facility has not been having a good week. The staff have reported several times it was feared he would not survive the night. Well it is becoming obvious this little malcontent wont up and die. He is playing some twisted power trip and only pretending to die just to cause turmoil in the staff caring for him. After one of his "attacks" he will be back up within a few hours and things will be as normal as they can be with him. The Feline is convinced he is doing all this for the attention and to spite the Feline. Of course the Feline has a very self-centered view of things, go figure. The Canines have not expressed any opinions one way or the other. Although I am convinced an opinion form the Canines would be overly taxing on their mental abilities so I don't expect any from them.

The Feline is still failing miserably in his de-mousification attempts. I have tried to explain to him even if he could catch a mouse it would only kick his ass and that would be embarrassing to him. I suspect deep in his ego ridden little heart he is aware of this fact and will never actually confront a rodent but will continue making a big production about how hard he's trying. I take great pleasure in pointing out to him if he's trying that hard and failing the mice are not only stronger than him but smarter as well, He ignores these as best he can but I know the truth.

The canines are like the Special Olympics here in the workers paradise. Always out there giving it their best and having a lot of fun...but still just a step or two behind. Bless their pointy headed little hearts. I sometimes think it must be nice to be so happy just running in circles or shouting at the water hose. Then I remember these are also creatures that sniff and lick each others and their own asses for fun and any thought of how nice it must be to be them quickly fades.

Well other than that there's not really a lot going on here. Summer is progressing as summer always does and things tend to work themselves out in the long run without too much interference from me. A little talk to the Canines about how the Feline is always attacking them, a whisper to the Feline how the canines believe they are superior to him. These things keep the balance of my little world in check.

So I think this will wrap up my report for this week. I remain the Benevolent Leader/ Dictator for Life of the Workers Paradise. OHHHH...One more thing. The security police/death squads have brought to my attention that many of you are still trying to defeat the security/monitoring devices in place. I feel I must remind you these devices are merely there to protect you from harm. And to help you live a more comfortable life. Please just go on about your normal activities and if your not doing anything subversive you have nothing to worry about....."You have my word on it"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day Thoughts

Well here we are at the close of Veterans day. I think back on family and friends who have served us all. Some risking everything, some paying with everything they have, others offering everything should the need arise. Everything we have in this country today, everything we seem to squabble about on a daily basis sometimes we owe to those brave souls willing to put their very lives on the line if needs be. Whether there was actual fighting or not the risk of every service member is equal.

These are the very best of us, the ones who willingly offered their very lives if needed to protect the principals this country was founded on. The same freedoms many of us use regularly to belittle and denigrate the selfless offer made by these brave souls. Each and every one of us here owe a debt to the selfless few that answered the call of liberty and freedom.

Today is a day set aside to remember those people that stood in our place when things were darkest and most dangerous. Standing bravely even for those same people that use the freedom they defended to criticize and belittle the souls standing between them and the loss of the very same freedom. One day is never enough to repay these people some of whom gave everything to see the rest of us had the ability to continue living our lives as we see fit. The kind of selflessness displayed deserves much more than we are able to give back. 

I would like to take this time and remember. My memories include a young paratrooper in the 101st, The screaming eagles, a division renowned in the history of WW2. Willing to fight to the last man in the defense of our country, facing seemingly insurmountable odds and yet prevailing. Not just one or two but an entire division of heroes joined by an entire generation of heroic Americans willing to risk everything.

Or a young Marine rifleman celebrating his 21st birthday on a troop transport ship sailing across the pacific with the intentions of landing on hostile shores and facing death daily. Meeting each day not knowing how the day will end and willingly going forward into the face of deadly firepower. Knowing from the very first the odd were stacked against them and still answering the call. Storming the beaches in three major campaigns in the pacific with the first Marine division. Places many of us have never heard of these days. Names like New Britain, Peleliu, Okinawa battles known through the history of the US Marine Corp as some of the most difficult conditions and most determined enemy action.

Family members I had the distinct privilege of knowing and learning from, people who by their example taught me things I am still discovering depth in. Men who answered a call to defend the life we all live today and take for granted. The few days we as a country set aside to honor those veterans from the past and the current active members of the US armed forces are simply not enough to equal the price paid and continuing to be paid on all our behalf's. From the memory of the past to the thought of the present and the expectations of the future my undying respect and gratitude goes out to anyone that has offered themselves as a defender of our way of life and the freedoms we take for granted each and every day. As inadequate as it might be all I can offer is my gratitude to anyone brave enough and willing to put on a uniform and accept the risk of defending us all. Thank you veterans and current members of the military.
You are not forgotten.

FRIDAY...Unlike any other day of the week

Fri Jul 29, 2005

Well Due to technical difficulties this weeks review will be slightly truncated. In other words I had my weekly review all written out and was just checking for any grammar or spelling errors and accidentally hit the windows key and closed my explorer. The benevolent leader/Dictator for life is not pleased. As I hate typing in the first place. This second report will be a little shorter so I can go take my frustrations out on the little people. Thank you for your understanding.

CANINES: Still stupid, Talking a lot with the rapidly growing but still mini canine. Attacked the Feline waste disposal unit.

FELINE: about worthless, Failing miserably in the De-Mousification program. Still attacking Canines whenever possible. Deathly afraid of the sickly Political Prisoner in the medical ward. The self same prisoner(AKA Weasel) that on his daily walks still kicks the Felines butt with ease.

POLITICAL PRISONERS: I almost gave them the responsibility for the De-Mousification program but they are less trust worthy than the Feline. Hence their position as political Prisoners.

BENEVOLENT LEADER/DICTATOR FOR LIFE: I have given a rousing speech stating how we will never give in to the terrorist that are attacking our infrastructure. The Terrorist responsible for the attack met this speech with great support and applause as they were I'm sure the only ones in attendance. I have taken over the De-Mousification program because sometimes if you want the job done right you have to do it yourself.

Well that about wraps up this truncated report. I look forward to a more in depth report next week. Now I'm off to repress the masses and oppress the little people.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why Penn State got it WRONG.

If you have been following the situation at Penn State then you should be aware that Head Football coach Joe Paterno was fired last night in the most humiliating way possible. Today seems to be full of boot licking sports reporters going on and on about how Penn State "got it right". It is sad to see so many professional sports writers assisting Penn State in damage control by compounding bad decisions by upper management with another stupid and self-serving attempt to avoid the obvious truth that someone seriously dropped the ball in this sad situation.

Could Joe Paterno have done more? There is no doubt with the advantage of hind sight the answer is yes. However did Joe Paterno follow the rules that were in place for handling a situation like this and the only answer possible is YES He did. As is painfully obvious to any observer Joe Paterno followed the correct procedure that was set in place by the very institution that later turned on him in the most cowardly way possible.

Joe Paterno did in fact report this allegation to his proper chain of command and further up the ladder of responsibility the criminal actions of his superiors failed to carry things to the next and proper step. Those who were responsible for that failure have been properly fired and are now facing criminal charges for their failure to act.

This failure to act stands in stark contrast to the proper actions of coach Paterno. It is the height of cowardice and stupidity to blame the person who actually did follow the procedure He was supposed to follow for the subsequent failure of others who had a responsibility to act and did not.

The actions of the board of Regents in this matter is nothing but a shallow and obvious attempt to deflect blame back on the more popular name and best nationally known person in this entire sad series of events. I for one hope this dastardly action by the board costs them heavily when it comes to support of the alumni, boosters and fans of the Penn State football program for years to come.

I know this much if I had a son who was considering multiple options for a college football program I would strongly advise He avoid Penn State and choose another more worthy and honorable option. Quite frankly I find the actions of the Penn State upper management disgusting and cowardly and lacking in any moral courage or conviction. This self serving action announced last night is just another example of how wrong Penn States highest leadership is and I am forced to wonder now at this moment if that storied institution of higher learning is even capable of teaching even the basic idea of following the procedures that are set in place to report and resolve situations that arise from time to time.

I am not now nor have I ever been a big fan of the entire college football system as it is now structured. Don't get me wrong I love the game and I love the joy of competition one sees in college level sports that is sadly missing at the professional level. However the hypocrisy that is rampant in the management of the entire national system is simply too wide spread and ingrained for me to do much more than lament the missed opportunity for true greatness the college football and other sports programs is capable of but seems to miss with intentional purpose.

As it is obvious to anyone who observes almost any big college football program that the colleges and universities are simply using the system as a cash cow and have little to no concern for anyone involved in the system unless they can find some way to profit for their involvement. This current situation is just another example of cowardly pandering to the perceived bottom line that I for one hopes will come back and prove extremely costly to Penn State.

This is truly as sad day in college football history. A storied career ended in a despicable and cowardly fashion. Coach Joe Paterno had already announced his retirement and there was one game left to play and an institution with more class and courage would have let Coach Joe Paterno play out his last game with some semblance of dignity and allowed the Penn State football program move on to a new era in an orderly fashion. Were I a current member of this Penn State football team I would refuse to play the last game and let it end in a forfeit as a message to the Penn State board of regents that tradition and courage actually have meaning and trampling on them publicly as they have done is not in the best interests of anyone involved.

Shame on the Penn State board of regents for taking the only person who actually followed the procedure set in place for the proper handling of this type of situation and throwing him under the bus. Cowards each and every one of them and deserving of nothing but scorn and contempt. Sending the message that even those who follow the rules are not safe from the craven actions of an attempted saving of face and avoidance of further scrutiny is a revolting message and worthy of scorn and nothing to hold as an example for other to follow.

A sad situation all the way around that serves as an example of the worst kind of cowardice from people who are only concerned with saving their own skin and have no interest in supporting someone the only person in fact that followed the rules. Today I am very happy to have no connection to Penn State whatsoever as the actions of the board of regents have besmirched a fine and honorable man who has devoted years of his life to the institution. Shame on Penn State.

Friday, November 4, 2011

FRIDAY...its not just for breakfast anymore

Fri Jul 22, 2005 

Well friends it seems to be Friday again. Time for a quick update on the happenings in the workers paradise although I'm thinking of renaming it to the non-workers paradise as the majority of the residents here seem to feel that's what it is. Both the Canine and Feline population are lazy self absorbed and completely useless.

The Canines are continuing for the most part the ignore the Feline policy and are having mixed results. There have been several minor altercations between the Canines and the Feline in the last few days. Although the Canines do seem to be taking a great interest in the Mini-Canine that moved in next door and many meetings are taking place along the fenced border. Security has been upgraded and there have been no border crossings as of yet.

The Feline I'm afraid is totally insane and therefore mostly hopeless. There seems to be one small glimmer of hope in that he does recognize the squirt gun of you have pissed me off for the last time today so perhaps there is a little hope for him still. The problem is he doesn't remember it till you point it at him so its not really a good deterrent yet. As the Feline has begun to show some interest in his prior bad acts and started trying to chew cables again I am seriously considering upgrading the security status to the Paintball gun of I really mean it....DAMMIT. But we will have to see this could just be a phase he going thru.

There have been talks of acquiring some nonlethal forms of ...umm...communications shall we say? The Taser of mental health has been considered as a possible therapeutic tool to combat the Felines mental instability. We are exploring many options and this is one, another less costly option the car battery of shock and awe is also being considered. Although it is less portable it does have some advantages to consider.

Either way I'm sure I will keep you informed of any decisions made in that area as they become available.

On another note. One of the political prisoners has been moved to the infirmary and I wanted to take this opportunity to emphatically deny that it was due to any mistreatment by the current staff of the holding facility. This prisoner is being held for observation due to what is suspected to be a congenital defect and there are no other status updates available in his case. But the rumors of abuse by the facility personnel are totally untrue and should be disregarded.

Well I think that's about all I have to say today except to remind you......Please remember in your day to day conversations to always speak clearly and directly into the hidden mic's if your not sure where those microphones are just speak loudly and they will be sure to pick you up. The monitoring staff would like to thank you for your cooperation. While they assure me they report everything I suspect they have some favorites that tend to make their job easier and they will sometimes I suspect turn a blind eye to things as repayment. So you never know if you help them they MAY help you. Not that I have any official knowledge of this.....but graft and gratuity does make the world go round.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Its Friday....Again

Fri Jul 15, 2005

Greetings friends, just a little note this time as time is tight right now. Things for the Benevolent leader/Dictator for life to be doing and sitting here typing just isn't one of them right now.

It seems the neighboring country has imported a Mini-Canine and he has made contact thru the security fences with our canines. Many messages have been sent back and forth since the Mini-Canine is quite young I am concerned that our Canines will corrupt the poor lad. I've called all three of the canine in for conferences and reminded them that it is an offense to import/export sedition or any other "dangerous" ideas. I hope they will take that to heart. I have also instructed the secret police/death squads to pay close attention to any interaction between them. On the upside at least it seems to have gotten the Canine partially out of the doldrums or the "dog days of summer" hehe.(A little benevolent leader/dictator for life humor there...you WILL laugh or pay the consequences.)

The Feline has continued his terrorist attacks on the Canines or at least one of the Canines. The feline it seems has discovered the one pacifist Canine in the group and is attacking her at all hours with seeming impunity. I have counseled the aforementioned Canine that all she need do is bite the Feline one good bite and he would leave her alone as the feline is actually rather cowardly in nature.

The Feline has also fallen back into some very risky behaviors and was seen chewing on cables again. Luckily for him he hasn't destroyed anything yet. I have informed the Feline that the new punishment law that went into effect last month calls for the strictest of penalties for such behavior. The new law was named after one of the great lawgivers of the ancient world. I call it the "Draconian amendment to the law of Feline death for chewing my headphone cables one more damn time" I think it has a nice ring to it....Don't you? I doubt if the Feline has the wit to see the historical allusions but one can hope.

This law was also joined by the squirt gun of you have pissed me off for the last time today. Which I think is a wonderful tool for Feline control should the Squirt gun of you have pissed me off for the last time today prove ineffective I plan on adding the Paintball gun of I really mean it...DAMMIT to the arsenal. If neither of those work I will be sorely tempted to get the 12 gauge of That's the last straw you little *&#@!*. But I'm hoping to avoid actual firearms as they are smelly and leave GSR when fired.

Oh well enough for today. I am signing off and wishing you all a gloriously wonderful (even if it is a well observed) weekend.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Fri Jul 08, 2005 

Well friends I'm back and its another Friday so its time to report on the happenings in the workers paradise.

I have real fears about the Felines sanity. He has begun staring off into space with a blank look in his eyes and the running into any glass surface nearby. I think he's doing what the voices tell him to do and they're screwing with him. This happens mostly at night when he's staring out the windows. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this behavior as I think its rather obvious he's mental anyway.

I have given up hope for the Canines. They seem to have given up on anything resembling self respect or plotting against the Feline and have instead just taken to laying around and complaining especially late at night. Disturbing my sleep by their protest outside my official residence. I am about to turn loose the secret police/death squads on them if they continue this nocturnal annoyance.

The situation with the political prisoners has yet to be finalized we are waiting on transportation to the gulags and we will be updating you in the near future on any movements in that area.

Other than the oppressive heat not much to report I think the heat has a lot to do with the Canines disposition. As they seem to get lethargic with the heat. Either way its less for me to worry about as the Beloved leader/Dictator for life anything that keeps the masses quiet is a good thing.

Well I will finish up for this report with the usual of its quiet and we intend on keeping it that way. I am considering following the British lead and installing security cameras in every conceivable place....just to keep things safe and live up to our national motto " We know what your doing " (and you should be ashamed). See you all next week.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Friday has pounced upon us

Fri Jul 01, 2005

First off let me say (incase anyone actually noticed) yes there were two weeks without a Friday update. Even a benevolent leader/dictator for life takes time off now and again. So deal with it.

It seems all I have to do is take some time off for things to pick up around here since there was an attempted escape last week along with the usual hijinks.

The feline has begun attacks on the waste management supplies stored near his facility. We are considering options for resolving this issue among the top ranking options right now is boiling in oil.(I'm feeling a little nostalgia for the good old days.)but I suspect we will just increase security at the site. The secret police/death squads need something to keep them occupied.

The Canines it seems have decided to continue the campaign to totally ignore the Feline. In all honesty I didn't really expect a plan of such elegance and simplicity with such a deep understanding of Feline Psychology and motivational issues from the Canines. As the Canines are a rather dull lot without much imagination I am surprised they actually found a way to really torment the Feline in this manner.

As anyone who really understands the devious mind of a Feline will be able to tell you felines really don't deal well with being ignored especially if they are trying to make their presence known. This seems to be working for the Canines and we will have to see if the Feline will be able to counter this tactic in the future.

The big news of this update is the escape attempt. Well it would appear the Canines had found a weakness in the security fences and rather than exploit those weaknesses themselves they simply pointed them out to the Feline. Well of course the Feline decides to use this good fortune and promptly ran for it. The Feline not being aware of our defense in depth policy here in the workers paradise was ill-equipped to deal with the realities outside the safety of the security zone. The reports from witnesses all agree to the Felines total shock and fear of whatever it was he encountered during this excursion. Security personnel were called in to rescue the Feline and return him to the security zone.

The second part to this story is how the Canines who were quite busy celebrating the Felines predicament became confused and in their celebratory cavorting found themselves outside the security zone as it had been opened for the security personnel to rescue the Feline. The security forces were again called upon to escort more residents back into the secure "green" zone.

It seems security was given a little workout last week but they seemed up to the task at hand. Either way things are back to normal and that's a good thing.

Well I think that about wraps up this weeks update. Remember "an observed society is a well behaved society" for the most part that is. Till next time this is the Beloved leader/dictator for life saying.......... "I know what your doing ....and you should be ashamed."

Friday, October 7, 2011

Yea its Friday...

Fri Jun 03, 2005 

In case you haven't noticed its rather difficult to develop any enthusiasm for the last few Friday reports. Things have settled into a routine without much change and that's never really exciting to report.

Aside from one attack by the Feline on the aquatic habitat there is really nothing to report. This attack caused some minor damage and I suspect it frightened the Feline much more than he expected.

The Canines have settled into the summer doldrums early this year it seems. As they have completely stopped any actions against the Feline and seem to be just laying around with nothing better to do than stare at him now and again.

All in all this makes for a very slow time in the workers paradise. Leading to the question ..Should I liven things up or should I just let well enough alone for now. being the benevolent leader has its advantages but sometimes the peace and quiet is a good thing. Besides all this peace and quiet means they're not out acting out on their plots against me. If they keep plotting but never acting out that's fine with me. As long as they pretend to be happy little citizens I can pretend to care for their wants.

Well to wrap things up all is quiet and nothing to report. But always remember......When its quiet its just that much easier for the mic's to pick up what your saying. So please speak clearly the secret police/death squad personnel will appreciate the gesture.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

It is a sad day in the tech world and the world at large today. I just saw the news Steve Jobs has passed away. Unless you have been living under a rock or in a cave somewhere it is nearly impossible to not have been affected by Steve Jobs and the company He helped found and run. Anyone who knows me knows I am in no way a fan of the Apple company or their products or way of doing business. None the less I do understand the impact Steve Jobs and Apple has had on the world.

I have a great respect for anyone who looks around and says "there's got to be a better way" and then goes out and makes one. Whether you liked Him or didn't like Him Steve Jobs was that kind of person. Driven to find a better way to do things and bringing that better way to the world. Truth be told without Steve Jobs and the Apple company you might not even be reading this message today.

Granted I did not always like the way Apple did things, I would much rather focus on the things I liked about Apple and Steve Jobs. The leadership, the innovation bringing ideas to the rest of us. Those were all things Steve Jobs and Apple did well. Allowing ideas to advance and spurring on innovation were hallmarks of both the Man and the company. Even when I would disagree with some of the methods I could always admire the can do attitude and forward thinking that went into the advances Steve Jobs and Apple were responsible for.

It is  sad day indeed, the day we lost one of the worlds great forward thinkers and role models for countless people that followed. When you use almost any computer when you listen to MP3's on almost any type of player when you use your cell phone you are benefiting in some small way from the work Steve Jobs dedicated his life to. Even if you never use an Apple product there is very little in our modern world that did not benefit or be impacted by the work Steve Jobs and Apple did.

When I think back I can only remember owning one Apple product, I am about as non-Apple as you can get and yet I realize the great contribution Steve Jobs and the Apple company have made to our society and the world in general. I just wanted to pause and reflect on the loss of Steve Jobs today and pay tribute to a great person who directed the world into the future and has now left us to carry on.

So thank you Steve Jobs and may you rest in peace.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hmmm I'm running out of cute Friday sayings.Fri May 20, 2005 9:50 am Well concerned citizens, Another Friday is upon us and its time for the weekly report. Speaking of reports those of you near the "re-education" centers may be hearing rifle reports in the near future. pay no attention to them they are just a new method of education being used for certain "difficult" cases. We call it " High Impact" education and it hold promise for previously unreachable cases. Suffice it to say its been a lively week this week. The plots have been flying thicker and faster than I've seen in a long time. Observers have uncovered several plots and plans against the Benevolent Leader/Dictator for Life. All parties involved have been put under tighter watch to try and help flush out the rest of the conspirators. I expect to have this all wrapped up within a weeks time and be able to report a resounding success......alone with openings in multiple housing apartments shortly afterward. The feline and canines are still at it. This week has seen an upsurge in terrorist activities between these two groups. The canines staged some kind of disturbance this morning which was quickly broken up. The feline has been steadily plotting and carrying out attacks on canine food supplies to what end I'm still not sure. Although he does at times seem to get confused and attack his own foodstuffs.( I have serious concerns for that feline's sanity.) Needless to say it does keep things interesting around here and proves to be a welcome break from all the other plotting that's been going on lately. Other than those issues things are moving along well here in the workers paradise. So well in fact I think I will sneak out and see the opening of the new Lucas movie and let the masses take an extra 15 minutes lunch break to celebrate. Well I think that's all I'm going to say today. I have many plots and plans to oversee and it keeps me fairly busy. And all this new plotting is really taking its toll. Anyway I'm going to sign off with this little reminder "Vee haff vays off makink you talk." and if that doesn't work our 24/7 informers are always happy to fill in the rest.Fri May 20, 2005 9:50 am Well concerned citizens, Another Friday is upon us and its time for the weekly report. Speaking of reports those of you near the "re-education" centers may be hearing rifle reports in the near future. pay no attention to them they are just a new method of education being used for certain "difficult" cases. We call it " High Impact" education and it hold promise for previously unreachable cases. Suffice it to say its been a lively week this week. The plots have been flying thicker and faster than I've seen in a long time. Observers have uncovered several plots and plans against the Benevolent Leader/Dictator for Life. All parties involved have been put under tighter watch to try and help flush out the rest of the conspirators. I expect to have this all wrapped up within a weeks time and be able to report a resounding success......alone with openings in multiple housing apartments shortly afterward. The feline and canines are still at it. This week has seen an upsurge in terrorist activities between these two groups. The canines staged some kind of disturbance this morning which was quickly broken up. The feline has been steadily plotting and carrying out attacks on canine food supplies to what end I'm still not sure. Although he does at times seem to get confused and attack his own foodstuffs.( I have serious concerns for that feline's sanity.) Needless to say it does keep things interesting around here and proves to be a welcome break from all the other plotting that's been going on lately. Other than those issues things are moving along well here in the workers paradise. So well in fact I think I will sneak out and see the opening of the new Lucas movie and let the masses take an extra 15 minutes lunch break to celebrate. Well I think that's all I'm going to say today. I have many plots and plans to oversee and it keeps me fairly busy. And all this new plotting is really taking its toll. Anyway I'm going to sign off with this little reminder "Vee haff vays off makink you talk." and if that doesn't work our 24/7 informers are always happy to fill in the rest.Fri May 20, 2005 9:50 am Well concerned citizens, Another Friday is upon us and its time for the weekly report. Speaking of reports those of you near the "re-education" centers may be hearing rifle reports in the near future. pay no attention to them they are just a new method of education being used for certain "difficult" cases. We call it " High Impact" education and it hold promise for previously unreachable cases. Suffice it to say its been a lively week this week. The plots have been flying thicker and faster than I've seen in a long time. Observers have uncovered several plots and plans against the Benevolent Leader/Dictator for Life. All parties involved have been put under tighter watch to try and help flush out the rest of the conspirators. I expect to have this all wrapped up within a weeks time and be able to report a resounding success......alone with openings in multiple housing apartments shortly afterward. The feline and canines are still at it. This week has seen an upsurge in terrorist activities between these two groups. The canines staged some kind of disturbance this morning which was quickly broken up. The feline has been steadily plotting and carrying out attacks on canine food supplies to what end I'm still not sure. Although he does at times seem to get confused and attack his own foodstuffs.( I have serious concerns for that feline's sanity.) Needless to say it does keep things interesting around here and proves to be a welcome break from all the other plotting that's been going on lately. Other than those issues things are moving along well here in the workers paradise. So well in fact I think I will sneak out and see the opening of the new Lucas movie and let the masses take an extra 15 minutes lunch break to celebrate. Well I think that's all I'm going to say today. I have many plots and plans to oversee and it keeps me fairly busy. And all this new plotting is really taking its toll. Anyway I'm going to sign off with this little reminder "Vee haff vays off makink you talk." and if that doesn't work our 24/7 informers are always happy to fill in the rest.

Fri May 20, 2005
Well concerned citizens,
Another Friday is upon us and its time for the weekly report. Speaking of reports those of you near the "re-education" centers may be hearing rifle reports in the near future. pay no attention to them they are just a new method of education being used for certain "difficult" cases. We call it " High Impact" education and it hold promise for previously unreachable cases.

Suffice it to say its been a lively week this week. The plots have been flying thicker and faster than I've seen in a long time. Observers have uncovered several plots and plans against the Benevolent Leader/Dictator for Life. All parties involved have been put under tighter watch to try and help flush out the rest of the conspirators. I expect to have this all wrapped up within a weeks time and be able to report a resounding success......alone with openings in multiple housing apartments shortly afterward.

The feline and canines are still at it. This week has seen an upsurge in terrorist activities between these two groups. The canines staged some kind of disturbance this morning which was quickly broken up. The feline has been steadily plotting and carrying out attacks on canine food supplies to what end I'm still not sure. Although he does at times seem to get confused and attack his own foodstuffs.( I have serious concerns for that feline's sanity.) Needless to say it does keep things interesting around here and proves to be a welcome break from all the other plotting that's been going on lately.

Other than those issues things are moving along well here in the workers paradise. So well in fact I think I will sneak out and see the opening of the new Lucas movie and let the masses take an extra 15 minutes lunch break to celebrate.

Well I think that's all I'm going to say today. I have many plots and plans to oversee and it keeps me fairly busy. And all this new plotting is really taking its toll. Anyway I'm going to sign off with this little reminder "Vee haff vays off makink you talk." and if that doesn't work our 24/7 informers are always happy to fill in the rest.

Monday, September 26, 2011

They call this a legal system?

The Knox trial is in the news again and I can't help but wonder if Italy actually expects the rest of the world to believe they have an actual legal system. In a place where civil complaints can be added to criminal cases even in the appeal process and if one chooses to appeal you can not only lose the appeal but actually have your sentence increased by the appeals court I can't help but ask "what kind of system do they think they have there"? From just news accounts it sounds to me like the entire case against Knox is flawed and the evidence was so mishandled that it will be impossible to know for sure who actually committed the crime.

After learning that the police and prosecutors can file civil libel claims against anyone who calls their competency into question all the while being able to publicly say things that are so outrageous you wonder if they are professionals or tabloid writers and have nothing done to them. It is painfully obvious to me one would be more likely to get a fair trial in Iran or Cuba than Italy.

That  a prosecutor is allowed to handle a case while at the same time He is being charged in another court and having to go from court to court as a prosecutor in one and a defendant in another is beyond belief. Especially as the second case had direct bearing on his actions as a prosecutor in a previous case where He is being charged with misconduct. It sounds more like an old Marx Brothers or Three Stooges script than an actual court case.

It seems to me those three idiot hikers who "accidentally" wandered into Iran from Iraq got a much more fair hearing than Amanda Knox. This is really odd as Italy is supposed to be a modern country with protections against human rights violations. At least that's what the EU would have us believe. I guess being an American in Italy is a little lower than human as the trial against Amanda Knox had all the fairness that permeates professional wrestling.

The police work in this case makes the LA police in the OJ Simpson case look absolutely professional and top of the line conduct. ( and everyone knows the police totally dropped the ball on OJ it doesnt matter whether you think OJ did it or not it was obvious the LA police dept completely messed up the investigation which left all the questions we still have about that case unanswered) Finally LA can say " at least were not as bad as them" and be taken seriously.

Hopefully this sad affair will be ended soon. Unfortunately with all the errors committed in this case no one will be able to know who is really responsible for killing a young woman in cold blood. That is the worst part of all of this mess. No matter what the outcome the concept of justice in Italy was completely destroyed and I doubt if it will be restored for a long time.

Well I guess thats all I have to say...except I dont think I will be heading to Italy any time soon as it seems to be more likely one would get a fair trial in Islamabad than Rome. And thats a pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me.    Talk to you all later

Friday, September 23, 2011

FRIDAY the 13th

Fri May 13, 2005 

Well it has been a very quiet week this week. Nothing going on to report. All fronts have been extremely well behaved.

I'm beginning to wonder if the population here is somehow reading my reports. They seem to be on their best behavior lately. I wonder if the ending of my last report had any effect on that? Anyway since nothing is really happening this week I suspect next week will probably have a lot to report.

So until then I will just let you all know things are well here in the workers paradise. The feline and canines are all walking on eggshells. And the other residents are toeing the line also. I will report back next week on any further developments.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hmmm Another Friday...Imagine that.

Fri May 06, 2005

Well lets get started. Not allot going on here in the workers paradise this week. I suspect the residents used up all the insanity they had last week and needed a new shipment to arrive. I expect things to pick up sometime in the near future.
There was a slight disturbance last night as one of the canines decided it was time to start some form of protest regarding treatment and access to public lands. The canine was informed that the middle of the night was NOT an appropriate time to begin shouting outside the Presidential/Dictator for life residence. The offending canine was escorted away and the incident was documented for later action by the secret police/death squads. One of the other Canines was seen defacing public property and has also been reported to the proper authorities.

This hooliganism is beginning to get out of hand. I think the time is very near that an example must be made to "encourage" the others to follow the rules. I mean they are only there for their own good. An imminent action notice has been sent out to the secret police/death squads and they have been told to prepare for some retaliatory action later in the month. There should be a window of opportunity in a few weeks and I want them ready to act at a moments notice.

The Feline has been up to his usual antics an almost constant low-grade terror campaign against the canines. I'm not really sure what his goals are as these attacks seem to have no point or purpose. I am beginning to believe the feline is acting upon some "external stimuli" ( He's doing what the voices tell him to do). If this situation continues I fear there will be no choice but to commit the feline to an institution specifically designed to deal with his issues. Or I can try plan B....which involves cough syrup, electric shock therapy and linoleum floor circular therapy. I always prefer to deal with our little issues "in house" rather than sending them out for the entire world to see. I will of course continue the usual observation of all the involved parties and even the non involved parties simply because...well we watch everyone here. The question is not " Am I being paranoid....But am I being paranoid enough?"

They're all plotting against me....EVERYONE here plots against me. "And that's not just good old fashioned paranoia.....that's policy." I find it very useful that they are seemingly unaware that I am aware of all their activities. Their communications have been breached I've broken their "enigma" code and to date they are still transmitting in the broken code.

Gentle readers just so you are not overly concerned or distraught. I feel I should inform you... I am quite safe from all their machinations. "In this FULLY OPERATIONAL DEATH...." Umm I shouldn't have said that....You can just ignore that last little lapse and rest assured I have everything in hand and a plan to deal with all possibilities.

Well I do have a pogrom to plan, a little genocide to prepare, and a few other "Surprises" for the various resident of our fair workers paradise to prepare. Busy busy busy..you know the old saying " Idle hands are the devils workshop"....And boy have I gotten some really good ideas from my last "Idle" time.

Anyway to close out this installment I must note I feel I have slipped a little and softened my image a bit too much. It is time for a few well placed acts of ruthlessness just to remind people "who" they are actually dealing with here. I believe its time to exercise the "inner" asshole a little bit. ( this should prove interesting )

Till next time...remember....CYA cause it just might get got.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I've been watching the political debates

I have been watching the recent political debates and it doesnt seem to matter who is talking they keep saying the same old thing over and over. No one seems to have any new ideas but keep harping on the same old ideas and insist they are fresh new approaches to the various problems we are experiencing. I am more and more of the opinion the two major political parties have had their chance and neither seem able to resolve anything. I think it is time to let someone else try to fix things. On that note I have been looking at the Libertarian party and find there is alot to their message I like and agree with. A smaller government that leaves the American people alone and gets out of the way would in my opinion go much farther to resolving many problems. A government that stays out of foreign affairs for a while would be a novel idea and would save billions of dollars in spending which could go a long way to fixing the whole debt problem. The government needs to learn they dont have unlimited funds simply because they have the ability to print more money. The Government should not be involved in every little thing each American does and no matter which side of the political spectrum you fall its wrong to try to legislate every little thing about citizens activities. If you believe an activity should not be practiced then you have every right to not practice it yourself and try to convince others to follow your lead. But forcing them by legal means will never produce the results you want it will only strengthen peoples desire to circumvent those rules and prompt more of the very activity you object to.

I had alot more that I was going to say but I am afraid it is only wasted typing so why bother. If anyone actually reads this just remember one thing, We cannot keep electing the same type of people to office and expect a different outcome. The only way to solve anything is to stop doing what caused the problem and start doing the opposite.  Thats all I hvae to say about that.

Monday, September 12, 2011

What a weekend

This weekend was the 10th anniversary of the Sept 11th terrorist attacks it doesnt really seem like its been 10 years. It seems like only a year or so ago this all happened and now were 10 years past the date. This got me to wondering, are things really any better than they were before the attacks? Are we any safer or more secure? Did we give up some freedom for the sense of security? I have pondered these thoughts over the weekend and still dont really have an answer.

If I had to give an answer I am not sure it would be yes to any except the last one. It seems to me while we may have the semblance of security we simply traded one risk for another. In the ten years since the attacks we have been in two wars one of which is slowly ending and the other still going. We have spent billions of dollars to pay for these wars and borrowed billions more for other homeland security measures that may or may not have made us safer but they certainly have been at the least inconvenient to most and worse to others.

Our economy is in shambles and we dont have the available credit to buy our way out of it even if that would work which is another subject in itself. Who knows what the situation would have been had we not gone to war with those two countries one of which has nothing we need or want and the other has something we want but arent getting it seems. On a side note all those idiots who were going on and on about the Iraq war being about oil....well its pretty much over and Im not aware of any special oil prices we got for our efforts and it seems the price of oil just keeps going up or down but pays no attention to Iraq producing or not. I would say if we were supposed to get oil from Iraq it really hasn't started getting to my gas station yet.

As for Afghanistan they have nothing we want. We have plenty of dirt and rocks here in the US without needing some of theirs. If you dont believe that just take a drive on I40 from Texas to California and you will see more than enough wasteland to get your fill. So now we seem stuck in a country no one wants but the poor devils who are unlucky enough to be born there. I still say the easiest way to have solved the whole Osama Bin Laden thing right at the beginning was one small nuc on the mountain He was hiding under and problem solved. That is alot cheaper than the billions we are spending now and one B2 bomber flying there and back wouldnt risk nearly as many lives as we have lost in that mess. Besides who really cares if a mountain in Afghanistan glows for the next few decades or so, maybe the country needed a night light. That would also have been a very pointed lesson to anyone else thinking of following in Osama's shoes. If you really annoy us we will fry you and be done with it. An objet lesson in the consequences of pissing off the worlds major super power would have gone well to any one elses thoughts and been a good thing. It's not a bad idea to just stomp someone now and again to remind the rest of them what can happen and just might again.

Oh well it's done now and were stuck with it. I guess its a good thing I'm not in charge perhaps the world doesnt really need a glowing mountain.....but it would be cool to see from a distance. I guess thats enough from me. I will leave this post just the way the government has been for years now.......pointless.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Fri Apr 29, 2005 

Well friends it looks like another Friday has found us again. Number 17 this year they just keep adding up. So lets get started with the weekly update.

Its been a rather eventful week this week. The canines were caught in the act of sabotage on the feline waste disposal unit early in the week. Corporal punishment was the judgment of the court. Needless to say it was a lesson ignored by the remaining canines as second attempt was intercepted shortly afterward. They're not very bright but at least they are consistent. There have been minor skirmishes between the canines and the feline this week but not as many as usual. I suspect many of the canine resources were used in planning the earlier attacks and not many were left to support any frontal actions this week.

The Feline on the other hand has almost completely ignored the Canines this week. Aside from a very few half hearted sneak attacks as a lone Canine walks by He has not been very active against the Canines at least. I am in fear for the Felines sanity though as he has begun staring at blank spots on the wall, Watching as nothing moves across the wall and floors, Then launching a full scale attack at the intruding bit of nothing. The Feline seems genuinely confused when he has nothing to show for the attack on a blank space on the wall. He rapidly recovers from the confusion by boasting about how well he repelled the intruder He seems rather pleased with himself for several minutes after one of these attacks. These delusions seem to take him at random and observers can find no pattern to this bizarre activity. We will keep him under observation. (I'm not sure is that an oxymoron since everyone here is always under observation? Or is it merely an irony?)

There was even some unusual activity at the holding area for the political prisoners. It seems ,according to reports, the Feline staged an incursion into the holding area. What his reasons were are not clear as he has issued no statements regarding this action and anytime the subject is brought up all he will say is " I don't want to talk about it." According to eye witnesses the Feline entered the holding area in full attack mode seemingly ready to defend his new territory against all comers. Apparently all comers didn't include the political prisoners as he was immediately noticed by the two female prisoners and set upon. Security forces finally took pity on the Feline and extricated him and most of his skin from the clutches of the prisoners. I am amused to wonder what would have happened if all four of the political prisoners had joined in the attack? As it was the two females had the Feline begging guards and security/death squad personnel to let him out of the holding area. He has since shown no interest in reentering that area.

I think that about covers the happenings here in the workers paradise. I have retained my post as beloved leader/dictator for life and will continue to match my skills against the masses. Till next time remember.....We know what your up to and probably even have it on film.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

U.S. has dropped in competitiveness

It seems the world economics forum has dropped the U.S. to fifth place in over all competitiveness world wide. In 2008 we were first on the list and only three years later we are dropped to fifth. The reasons given were the amount of debt and the lack of confidence our government is receiving in the belief it can correct this debt. So now Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore and Finland are ahead of us in the rating.

 How long will it take us to figure out we cant keep doing the same thing and hope things get better? We keep electing the same people to office and then act surprised that things don't get better. Even when we actually do elect someone new they wind up doing the same thing the previous office holder did and nothing gets better. If the U.S. were a company it would have to declare bankruptcy to avoid a total collapse.

 It's high time we as the voting public decide to try something different. I mean REALLY different. On that note I have some ideas.

1. Term limits on every Federally elected official. Thats right no more career politicians. politicians should get elected, do their jobs then go home. I think a two term limit would be just fine, It's good enough for the President it should be good enough for members of Congress.

2. Completely overhaul our Tax system. It's too complicated and too easy for people and companies to get around. I personally would like to see a flat tax. Everybody pays the same rate no matter what. Do away with all the exemptions and loopholes. Each taxpayer files for themselves no joint filing and each taxpayer gets one personal exemption of 30,000 dollars. The first 30,000 you earn has no federal taxes after that you pay a percentage of what you earn. No loopholes after 30K it's all taxable no arguments period.

3. Social Security becomes optional. If you want to have Social Security when you retire you opt in and make payments. If you dont want to pay you dont have to but you wont get anything at retirement, nothing, no medicare, no social security payments, nothing.

4. Change Corporate tax structure. Drop the percentage to 25% and remove any deferments and tax breaks. Every corporation based in U.S. would pay 25% of their yearly profits, thats it no deals, no options, if you make a profit you pay taxes.

5. Bring our troops back from all the overseas bases and wars and put them to work securing our borders. Thats the primary job of our military to keep the U.S. secure so let them do it.

 6. Change immigration rules. If you can show you have a place to go and the likely hood of getting work we will give you a 6 month temporary visa. Once you get to the city you applied to go to when you entered you will have to go to an INS office and report and once you get a job you can apply for an extension of your visa. If you go 2 years without getting arrested, keep working and can speak and read english you can apply for permanent alien residence. If after five years of permanent alien status you want to apply for citizenship you can go through the process and apply.

There are several more that I can think of but I am just not going to put them down now. I expect if we did these six things we would see a big change in how our country was doing. I dont think any of these will ever actually get done, but it was a fun idea to think about anyway. I'm outta here for now talk to you all later.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Well lookie here...another Friday

Fri Apr 15, 2005 

Greetings from the workers paradise. Its been a relatively slow week this week. The canines have been kept inline by the fear of a "medical" procedure being performed on them. After the feline related his experiences with a trip to the medical facilities the whole population has been on their best behavior. I think that was a great way to "control the population" in more than one way even.

The felines medical procedure went as scheduled and was without complications. He has been in a much more subdued mood the last few days. There have been no terrorist attacks on infrastructure. There was one minor attempt on the life of the Beloved leader last night all involved parties have been captured and punished accordingly. The feline seems no worse for the loss of his "little friends" and is settling back into life here in our paradise.

There have been no changes in the status of the political prisoners and all has been quiet for some time on that front. Word is the transfer to the gulags is proceeding in a timely fashion and should be completed in a few more months.

All in all spring is progressing nicely in our neck of the woods and all is as it is expected to be. Things are holding together and my grip on the populace remains tight and in place. Well that's about all I have to report today. As always I am very busy with oppression and torment and haven't much time for our little talks. Till next time remember...we know who you are and we know what you've been saying in part due to our extremely effective Secret police/death squads. Talk to you all next week.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Its one of THOSE days

Today has just been one of THOSE days for me. I cant even work up the interest to rant about any of the totally stupid things Ive seen on the internet today. Thats just bad I mean the internet is full of totally stupid things to go off on a rant about. Its too easy to find absolute stupidity online that deserves a good rant and I know Ive seen several things that cry out for mocking and ranting but I just dont care enough to do it. I think perhaps I will  just go read a book or find a spider and watch it make a web perhaps I will paint something just to watch the paint dry. I would go watch the grass grow but as it hasnt really rained here much this summer the grass isnt growing which means I would just sit there watching grass be dead as it has already gone all the way through the dying process and now just sits there all brown and dead and that just doesnt have the same appeal. There just doesnt seem to be much to do today. Or at least much that I want to do there is always something I dont want to do that needs done but if I did that today......what would I have to put off till tomorrow? I believe you always need something to put off till tomorrow. Thats my trick to a long life having something to do tomorrow means you have a reason to live till tomorrow. I believe if you have nothing to do tomorrow then its just time and the universe will remove you to make room for someone who does ahve something to do tomorrow. Keep that in mind...never finish everything today it just tempts fate to remove you as you have nothing else left to do. Thats just my thoughts for today talk to you later.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Finally able to post again

Finally got my computer back up and running. It is so much better with my regular keyboard than a laptop. Typing on a laptop is crazy. So any way I'm back now and ready to go.

I noticed the VMA's were on last night. I refused to watch them as Im just not interested in video music awards shows put on by a channel that doesnt even show music videos anymore. The only thing that MTV has to do with music these days is it a word in their name. MTV should be ashamed of the crap they are showing thesse days and get back to music like they claim to be involved in. Until they start actually showing music videos as their name suggests I will not be watching the channel. Its really sad that youtube is a better place to videos than the music television channel. Anyway MTV pretty much blows these days and isnt worth the effort to push the remote buttons to get there. Someone should deal with them regarding the false advertising their name implies.

I did watch National geographic last night they were doing a 9/11 special all this week. They had an interview with GWB which I watched. Im not sure the term enjoyed is alltogether appropriate  for the subject matter but I did find it interesting. Even after getting Osama Bin Laden this year watching the footage fo those towers falling makes me feel we didnt quite finish the job in that respect. I remember seeing footage of hundreds or perhaps even thousands of people out in the streets dancing to celebrate the terrorist attack on 9/11. That personally annoyed me to no end. I think they should all be glad it wasnt up to me to decide the response to that mess. I personally think we should have squashed a few more places in a way that will remind people just what can happen when you annoy a world superpower. If it were up to me at that time there would have been a much more terrible response one that people in the future would have shivered at to remember and would have let everyone know just exactly how bad it could be if the U.S. really ever got serious about putting a hurt on someone. But I expect a glowing slag heap is a rather extreme answer but then it would serve as a good lesson in just what we are capable of doing. I believe too many people have forgotten just what can happen when you seriously annoy a nuclear power. Besides Afghanistan wouldnt look much different after a nuc in most places anyway. Killing Osama 10 years later is like punishing your dog for peeing on the carpet a week after He did it. Its a little late to get the point across. A small nuc on his mountain and a fried Osama within a week would have been a much better object lesson to all the other terrorist that cheered when Osama and his crew pulled off their attack. Crash some airplanes into our buildings and we will nuc the mountain you live under that would be a lesson not soon forgotten. Think of all the lives it would have saved. We are still fighting in Afghanistan and are just now getting out of Iraq. Oh well its probably a good thing Im not in charge...at least for the terrorist.  Guess Im done now  I will talk to you later.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Fri Apr 22, 2005 

Another Friday has found us. This week has been a busy one here in the workers paradise. There have been several Terrorist actions to report this week so lets just get right on it.
The lull in the activity is over. Several attacks on the feline waste disposal unit were noted this week. prompting the powers that be ( namely me myself and I ) to seriously consider some structural changes to the feline waste disposal unit. A more secure unit is probably going to be needed soon. Rest assured that the secret police/death squads are even now investigating these attacks and are sure they will have the hooligans in custody shortly. I personally believe it was the work of a specific spotted canine, But will let the system work and the guilty will be punished.

A second and more dangerous and costly attack to the transportation system has been reported today. The preliminary reports are a little confused and the experts are currently investigating the situation. I am expecting a report shortly that will clearly define the damage and required repairs and possible causes of the damage. We can only hope it will not require too many resources to repair this situation. We will keep you informed as soon as more information is available.

The canines and feline have been trading minor attacks all week nothing terribly serious mostly just annoyances to each other. As you might have surmised my plan to continue the tension is working well neither side has had the time or opportunity to plan any further action against the Benevolent Leader as they are too busy plotting inefficient and pointless attacks against each other. I do find it somewhat interesting to see how they choose to carry out these attacks. The canines tend to be less personal and much more focused on the felines infrastructure while the feline seems to take his attacks directly against the canine in question. I am constantly amused by their pathetic interactions and ease with which they are manipulated. Sometimes its good to be the Benevolent Leader.

Transportation for the political prisoners has been postponed once again. I am assured it should take place within the next few months but no one is certain exactly when.
Either way tension among the masses is up and that's always a good thing as it keeps the focus away from any "other" activities.

I think I will wrap this up as its been a long difficult week but satisfying none the less. In closing always remember " No need to dial 911 since we already know what your doing. " Or my personal favorite, " A society of stool pigeons and informers is a polite society......or at least to damn afraid to do anything to piss the other guy off." Enjoy and I will talk to you all next week.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Fri Jun 10, 2005 

Again it’s a slow time in the workers paradise this week. But there are some curious undercurrents flowing lately. I suspect this may the calm before the storm. It’s about time for some excitement anyway.
The Feline has started some rather secretive activities and he’s even managed to give the secret police/death squads the slip now and again. I think the lull in activity has caused them to become a little lax. Therefore I have instituted a new policy which will hopefully reinvigorate the rank and file. This new policy is...."Screw up one more time and you will find yourself against a very messy wall with a cigarette in your mouth and a blindfold on." Hopefully this will provide the needed guidance for them to perform their duties properly.

Speaking of the Feline he has begun spending more time alone and seemingly plotting some action. I am confident it will be some grand plan that will fail to produce the intended result but be delivered with his usual flair for the dramatic. Perhaps Robin Williams was right in that Felines are just reincarnated drag queens and given to the drama of the situation. Either way this should be entertaining.

The Canines are a bumbling lot and there’s not even much bumbling going on lately. The youngest Canine is beginning to respond to the Felines constant low grade provocations and has even snapped at the Feline on a number of occasions lately. Unfortunately she is the only Canine showing any kind of activity lately causing me to wonder have we already reached "the dog days of summer". Perhaps things will begin to liven up after the Felines big production.....or not.

The political prisoners are continuing in their seclusion but rumor has it there may be a change in their situation sometime next month. No one is sure yet but we are hopeful for a resolution to this soon. I will keep you informed of any developments in that area.

It is time for me to close this little note. I remain the Benevolent Leader/Dictator for life. Ohh one more thing the Secret police/Death squad personnel assigned to the listening post would like to thank you all for speaking clearly and loudly it really has made their job much easier. Take care all of you and remember we know who you are and we know what you’re doing.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Another Friday has leapt upon us (they’re sneaky that way)

Fri Apr 08, 2005

It’s been an eventful week in the workers paradise. The friction between the feline and canines has reached almost epic proportions coming to blows several times. I must say I am very pleased with the outcome of my efforts. It’s rather obvious the feline and canines will never band together against me.

I am also quite pleased with the ongoing efforts to keep the political prisoners in check and neutralize any support or sympathy they might has gathered among the masses. Things in that area are progressing well and the political prisoners have almost no support from the general public any longer.

All in all things have gone so well I am ready to move on to the next phase of my diabolical plan. The wheels are in motion, The medical team is scheduled for next Tuesday, The feline will be in for quite a surprise (Say goodbye to your little friends) Or as the specialist liked to call it "brain" surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. I am hoping after the ahhm "procedure" the feline will be "more open to suggestions".

I believe a more malleable feline will go far to complete my Iron grip of control and the Beloved Leader for Life position will be in my grasp for many years to come. After all its not much fun to be Beloved Leader for Life if Life is only a few months or years.

Well that’s about it for my report this week. Things are well in hand and progressing nicely. Now if you will all excuse me its time to go taunt the feline and repress the masses. A despot’s day is never over there’s always one more peon to torment or one more hope to dash mercilessly.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Wild Week so Far

Well its been a wild week so far. The stock market is going crazy and S&P pretty much stabbed America in the back. I wonder what will happen the rest of the month? I was reading an evaluation of the S&P's decision to lower the credit rating of the entire country and I wonder what planet those people are on. Everything they said needed fixing have been issues for years. Did S&P just wake up and smell the coffee or is something else going on in those offices?

Perhaps NYPD should search the S&P offices for evidence of drug use. I know of several ways we can get Americas credit rating back to the top. If I were in charge, S&P would from now on be on top of the IRS audit list I am pretty sure if they run like any other huge company there are things they dont want anyone to know about regarding their finances. A new audit every month or so would quickly convince them of the error of their ways. If S&P had been consistent I could understand the credit adjustment but they have not mentioned anything about these issues until now and it seems a bit odd to me they would choose to act at this time and not any other.

Another way to take care of S&P I can think of is rather drastic but effective. America still has a very effective military a company of US Marines walking through S&P's front door in full battle gear would get their attention and let them know we are not pleased. I know, I know thats not going to happen but it would get a point across. All I can say is S&P should be very happy I am not running things as they would find themselves out of business in short order.

Even without the use of military force the DOJ could investigate and I am sure they would find something S&P is doing wrong as I doubt a company that big could ever be completely without violations. Even without any government actions if we as regular American citizens let them know we were unhappy Im sure they would reconsider. If all their stock was suddenly sold by every American investor Im sure they would notice that quickly. I also believe they would notice a bunch of protesters in picket lines across their front door.

I realize that none of this is likely to happen. however I think I mentioned somewhere that I was mad and madness has a certain leeway allowed to ones point of view. So back to reality, I am sick and tried of American comp0anies being part of the problem rather than part of the solution. It is high time these companies that are getting rich here in America and are from America decide to step up and help things get better rather than keep pushing things toward the worst possible outcome. While they are raking in massive profits off the backs of the rest of us they are reducing their workforces in record numbers. They are requiring the employees they keep to work more and pay them less and keep fewer people on payroll causing our employment issues to get worse and worse rather than taking a little of the huge profits they are making and hiring more people they are so concerned with the bottom line they are killing the host that feeds them. Big business has gone off the tracks and is no longer a solution but is now a problem.

It is time for us, we the people, to take back control of our own country. I propose a new political party.  We have the democrats and republicans and even some smaller parties that hardly make any difference. We even have tea party in the republicans which doesnt seem to be much different from all the others. I propose a new political party, we will call ourselves the Beer Bash Party. The Beer Bash Party would have one goal and only one goal so its a simple thing to understand. The Beer Bash Parties one goal would be to elect no incumbent the entire idea would be if anyone has ever held a political office in the past we would not vote for them.
This would ensure a steady stream of new ideas and avoid the political virus that seems to have infected our government. It seems no matter who we elect they become politicians just by association with other politicians. Once they spend any time in Washington DC they are infected. The only solution is to remove the infected and replace them with healthy elected officials.
The problem is once they get to Washington DC they become infected with the political virus. So to solve this no one gets more than one term no exceptions one term then you're out. Make the term 6 years and every 2 years its out with the oldest and in with new. This would ensure a steady stream of uninfected people to keep the whole body healthy.
Thats just My idea but it couldnt be any worse than what we have going on now.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Its a crazy world

I had so many things I was going to talk about today I dont know if I have the time or energy to put them all here. I will start with my first one and perhaps I will put the other one in later. I was reading over the weekend about a convention in Vegas for hackers. There was a lively debate going on about the topic of children and the fact the convention had a special forum for kids from ages 6 to 13. I have some pretty strong opinions about hackers in general. The entire concept seems to be digital trespassing and I wonder if it is a good thing to be condoning to children. There are all kinds of arguments about black hat and white hat and gray hat hacking but it all comes down to hacking. I saw the argument that we needed to train young people hacking skills to better combat black hat hackers. I suppose there could be some validity to that argument although I really see very little. I view hacking the same as breaking and entering whether its a digital domain or someones house its the same concept to me. If someone is breaking into your house late at night do you really care what color hat they wear? Are you really going to wait and find out if they have ill intent or are just innocently looking around? Does it even matter what their intent is? It is still trespassing at best and just gets worse from there. People say white hat hacking actually forces companies to upgrade security and that is a good thing. I saw bank robbery forces banks to upgrade security does that mean bank robbery is a good thing? Even if no one is injured in the robbery its still a crime and should be punished as one. Why would anyone condone such actions? As long as the robbery is taking other peoples money it is a statistic but if they get yours its a crime and needs to be stopped. Hacking seems to be the same thing as long as hackers are not bothering me then its mostly harmless but if they hit me its a whole different story, this seems to be the attitude from this convention and even the federal government which was there and actually giving lectures. I often wonder if the organizers of this convention would be happy if someone hacked them and their systems. Do they take security precautions against hackers or do they allow free access to their private and personal information to anyone that wants it? I hope you realize that was a rhetorical question because Im sure they are the most security minded people out there. Doesnt that seem a bit of a double standard? Its ok for us to hack you but its not ok for you to hack us. It annoys me when things like that go on and no one seems to point out the glaring hypocrisy involved. Well think Im done now I could go on and on but Im starting to type angry and I dont think my old keyboard could take much more. talk to you later

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wow these Fridays never stop do they?

Fri Apr 01, 2005

Its time again for my weekly update on the happenings of our little corner of the workers paradise.
The internal strife continues as planned one of the canines was caught in the process of an attack on the felines waste system. Summary punishment was meted out to the offending canine. The rest of the canines disavowed any knowledge of the plot but we are sure they were involved however ineptly. Security measures have been heightened and all canines are now under observation.
The feline management committee has come to a decision that due to his current behavioral issues the feline will be undergoing medical treatment in the near future. All that remains to be done on that issue is to schedule the appointment with the medical staff. We are hopeful this will leave the feline in a much more docile attitude and easier to control in the future. As his current outburst are becoming annoying and disturbing the peace in our little paradise.
Disappointment continues to follow the political prisoners as the planned upgrades to their holding areas were put on hold do to inclement weather and a disinclination of the staff to work under those conditions. We are hoping for more favorable conditions soon.
My plans to keep the tension up between the feline and canines are progressing well. Low scale tension between the two factions is in abundant supply and obvious to this observer. I will continue the current practices and plan on adding more devious practices soon. The canines have been given greater access to the outdoors and this practice is showing progress in the felines attitude regarding the canines.
Well I guess that’s about all I have to say today and I really must get back to my grueling schedule. It’s not easy repressing the masses and trampling all hopes in the underclasses it requires constant attention to the nuances ebb and flow of life here in the workers paradise. It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it. I only hope they appreciate the efforts I am putting forth on their behalf. Till next week.