
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day Thoughts

Well here we are at the close of Veterans day. I think back on family and friends who have served us all. Some risking everything, some paying with everything they have, others offering everything should the need arise. Everything we have in this country today, everything we seem to squabble about on a daily basis sometimes we owe to those brave souls willing to put their very lives on the line if needs be. Whether there was actual fighting or not the risk of every service member is equal.

These are the very best of us, the ones who willingly offered their very lives if needed to protect the principals this country was founded on. The same freedoms many of us use regularly to belittle and denigrate the selfless offer made by these brave souls. Each and every one of us here owe a debt to the selfless few that answered the call of liberty and freedom.

Today is a day set aside to remember those people that stood in our place when things were darkest and most dangerous. Standing bravely even for those same people that use the freedom they defended to criticize and belittle the souls standing between them and the loss of the very same freedom. One day is never enough to repay these people some of whom gave everything to see the rest of us had the ability to continue living our lives as we see fit. The kind of selflessness displayed deserves much more than we are able to give back. 

I would like to take this time and remember. My memories include a young paratrooper in the 101st, The screaming eagles, a division renowned in the history of WW2. Willing to fight to the last man in the defense of our country, facing seemingly insurmountable odds and yet prevailing. Not just one or two but an entire division of heroes joined by an entire generation of heroic Americans willing to risk everything.

Or a young Marine rifleman celebrating his 21st birthday on a troop transport ship sailing across the pacific with the intentions of landing on hostile shores and facing death daily. Meeting each day not knowing how the day will end and willingly going forward into the face of deadly firepower. Knowing from the very first the odd were stacked against them and still answering the call. Storming the beaches in three major campaigns in the pacific with the first Marine division. Places many of us have never heard of these days. Names like New Britain, Peleliu, Okinawa battles known through the history of the US Marine Corp as some of the most difficult conditions and most determined enemy action.

Family members I had the distinct privilege of knowing and learning from, people who by their example taught me things I am still discovering depth in. Men who answered a call to defend the life we all live today and take for granted. The few days we as a country set aside to honor those veterans from the past and the current active members of the US armed forces are simply not enough to equal the price paid and continuing to be paid on all our behalf's. From the memory of the past to the thought of the present and the expectations of the future my undying respect and gratitude goes out to anyone that has offered themselves as a defender of our way of life and the freedoms we take for granted each and every day. As inadequate as it might be all I can offer is my gratitude to anyone brave enough and willing to put on a uniform and accept the risk of defending us all. Thank you veterans and current members of the military.
You are not forgotten.

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