Today a great injustice was done by an overreaching governmental body that refused to take even a common sense approach to law enforcement. Today the city government of Belfast Ireland murdered a family pet. A mixed breed family pet named Lennox was killed by the Belfast City Council in cold blood. I have lost much esteem I once held for the UK in general and for Belfast specifically. To use a tape measure to determine whether a Dog is dangerous is the height of insanity and to then kill an animal that has caused harm to no one is tantamount to murder and should be treated in exactly the same manner.
Hasn't the world learned through bitter experience that judging anything based solely on racial/breed traits is the refuge of the most vile and evil humans that have set foot on this planet? There are too many examples in humanities past of the use of the very same logic to perpetrate some of the most horrendous crimes against humanity to choose the one to which the Belfast City Council is most similar.
It is a truism that one can tell much about a civilization by how it treats its animals. Unfortunately today's actions by the city of Belfast speak volumes about the character of the leaders of that city and brings shame on the people of Belfast and the entire UK for allowing this to continue. This is truly a black mark on the honor of the entire country.
Today is the day all the people of the UK should take action to redress this issue. You should speak to your government and tell them they need to find another way, a way that does not punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. Whether those innocents are human or animal it is simply wrong to take an innocent life for no good reason. Particularly a life that had shown itself gentle and kind in ways many humans have yet to understand or at least it seems the Belfast City Government has yet to understand.
Shame, Shame,Shame that is really all that can be said about this and it is hoped that the so called humans that made this decision will come to the realization of their error and find a better way to address this issue in the future.
I write this with great sadness at the loss of an innocent life and with great hope that the good people of Belfast and the rest of the UK will rapidly find a way to keep this from happening again.
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