
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Another Friday...already?

Looks like another Friday is upon us. Im not sure it matter much what we call it one day is pretty much like another in everything but minor details. You wake up, you do things, you go to sleep the days over the next day is wash rinse repeat. The only difference is what you do during the waking hours otherwise its all pretty much the same. I guess sometimes we might like the activities of one day more than another but thats just a personal preference. Some people actually like going to work each day and not having that would make them unhappy. Some people are so unhappy having to go to work each day the week is mostly misery for them. I guess it all depends on your point of view.  I think we've talked about this before good days and bad days of the week. I think we decide inside ourselves whether a day is a good day or a bad day then set out and make it one or the other. Life is too short to walk around miserable all the time or even most of the time especially if we have a choice. You know something, We always have a choice we might not like the choices and we might not want to see the choices but we always have a choice. We can always look at things from many perspectives and we get to choose which one we want. Anything can look different from a different perspective sometimes very different. Take an apple for instance you can look at one side and it might look great all ripe and juicy but if you look at the other side and see a big wormhole in it its suddenly not such a great thing. The apple never changed but your perspective did. Thats a simplistic example but it gets the idea across. We have control of the perspective we choose to view anything in and anything we see is greatly influenced by its perspective. With that being the case we actually have much more control over our situation and our own attitude about anything. We only have to take responsibility for our life and dont mean this in the way of taking blame but more in the way of taking ownership. Blame is something almost everyone tries to avoid because its usually followed by trouble of some sort or other. Ownership is different ownership means you have conttrol of something as it belongs to you. Take ownership of your life sometimes that means the blame too but it always means the choice of what actions to take. From there all you need to do is take good actions. Consequences are not always a bad thing Physics teaches us each action has a reaction or a consequence if you will. Not every reaction is a bad thing just like not every consequence is a bad thing. If you start acting in ways that have positive consequences you will have more positive things in your life. Always remember anything that happens in your life good or bad has one common denominator which is you. Its your life and its gonna do what you tell it whether you want it to or not might as well pay a little attention and work on getting consequence you like rather than ones you dont. Well Im done for today perhaps I will talk to you all later.

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