
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Im not really sure what to think about this

I was reading an article about what an employer would find if they did an internet search about you. Since I dont know who will actually read this to be able to do a search about you I did a google search about me. Is it a bad thing when you cant even get a page one result on a google search about yourself? I finally found something that was supposed to be about me except they had me living in 2 different states at 3 different addresses one of which I never lived at and 2 of which I havent lived at in over 10 years. Its odd how much we rely on Google and how random their information really is. Online business lives and dies by google page rank and search results and yet they cant even find me when Im sitting there waving my hands in their face. If you ever want a good laugh do a google search on your own name and see what happens. Im not  sure if its a good thing being under the radar like that. At least crazy stalkers cant find me not that Ive ever had a crazy stalker. Someone would have to pretty crazy to stalk me and they would have to be very crazy to concern me. Ive lived with real crazy people and in my experience most average people wouldnt know crazy if Charles Manson was sitting on their couch eating fruit loops. Either way I am kinda bummed that I didnt even rate a first page mention on a google search for myself.. Oh well thats what you get for trying something from an article you read online I guess. Think I will take off now have things to do perhaps I will talk to you later. I do have another installment of my old friday series ready to go this friday so be sure to check it out.

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