
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Monday, June 27, 2011

What a Day Today

Well the weekend is over and its back to whatever you do on Monday. I was feeling pretty good today so I decided to go out. Today I learned several things first thing I learned is they have really changed fly fishing equipment since the last time I went Fly Fishing. In all honesty the last time I went Fly Fishing was about 30 years ago so it has been a while but I didnt remember the flies being so small or the line being so invisible. It must be the advances in technology over the last 30 years it couldnt be me that changed that much in the last 30 years. I mean seriously it took me 5 minutes to tie the fly to the line because the line was too small to see. Its not like I was fishing a crystal clear mountain stream for Trout that have NASA satellites tracking anyone coming within 500 yards of the water. I was out fishing for pan fish in a local parks pond. Granted a Fly Rod was probably a bit much for fishing in a Texas park but it was a fun time and I wanted to get some practice time in. Unfortunately it was very hot and a bit windy, the best spot to actually fish in water deep enough to have anything worth catching was on the wrong side of the pond and forced me to try and cast directly into the wind which if anyone has done any Fly Fishing knows is not an easy thing to do. So I spent about an hour out Fishing in the heat and sun today I actually caught one fish so small I was surprised it could fit the hook into its mouth. I turned it loose to grow up a little bit. Which leads me to the second thing I learned today. As I was coming home I went past a beauty supply store that is right next to a local restaurant where we like to get take out Italian every so often. Now I needed some nail clippers as they work great to clip tag ends of fishing line and remove flies from the line so I thought I would just stop in that store as it was on the way home. Now to set the scene here I live about 5 to 10 miles from the southern border of the Dallas City limits. The advertising pictures and products in this beauty supply store are all geared towards African American's  as they are probably the majority of customers that visit this store. Seeing this I assumed the store would be operated by an African American Woman or at least a Woman. As I was going in a nice Black lady was coming out we said Hi to each other as we passed and then as I went towards the counter Three Asian Men asked if they could help me. Now dont get me wrong I dont have a problem with Asian Men or Asian's or African American's or anyone else based on national origin. I can get along with anyone thats willing to be gotten along with. But this is South Dallas Texas and I guess I just jumped to assumptions as to whom I would be seeing in the Beauty Supply Store and I am forced to wonder whats up with that? I guess I had fallen into a pattern of thinking that needed to be adjusted. I should stop with the expectations and just deal with things as they come along I thought I was pretty good at that but I guess I still have work to do in that area. Oh well at least its something to do.   Talk to you all later....maybe

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