
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Friday, June 17, 2011

It seems to be Friday ...AGAIN

( Originally posted )
Fri Feb 11, 2005 

Suffice it to say this week has been pretty much the same as last week which was pretty much the same as the week before that. I could go on but I hope your seeing the pattern here.

Living in this kind of rolling monotony one learns to observe the minutiae of life. Simple things like exactly what time the cat decides he wants to bite your chin and wake you up this morning. His usual time is sometime in the 4 o clock hour of the morning and he is fairly consistent. Except for today he waited till almost 5:30 AM. I am therefore watching him closely today to try and figure out what his scheme is. Cause I know he's up to something.

I have enlisted the aid of the canines of the house in my FCO
(Feline Covert Operation). But Im beginning to have my doubts as to the real value of that action. As it is akin to having the village idiots helping out. Im fairly certain even with all three canines working together the feline has them outsmarted. But I have the final laugh because as they are all trying to outsmart each other..... They are leaving me alone which is what I really want in the first place also as long as the feline is busy "outsmarting" the canines He's not plotting against me.

I sometimes feel like the beloved benevolent leader (dictator) of a third world country. Keeping all the factions in constant turmoil for my own nefarious schemes. I even have my own political prisoners as we have begun operation weasel crackdown. After having sent two of the worst offenders to the gulag the rest are being held under "room arrest".

Well I have an uprising to go brutally repress. I may update you later on my progress.

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