Well its Monday again. I have to say this is a new Monday for me as it has a quality of being the first Monday I have been unemployed due to a layoff. Since I have been off work due to a medical issue for quite a while this isnt really effecting my day to day life very much. Being that I now dont have to option of getting better and going back to my job I find myself in a curious position. I am still waiting for the Insurance company to decide about long term disability due to the vertigo, tinnitus and hyperacusis in short I always hear what sounds like feedback from a microphone even when I plug my ears and certain sounds sound like theyve been turned up to a volume of 11 and I get dizzy spells several times a week that make me stagger around like ive had way too much to drink. Considering all that along with migraines which seem to be getting better with the meds im trying for the dizziness which the dizziness hasnt gotten much better work is secondary concern right now. Hopefully a determination will be made soon regarding this claim. But enough about that as its all in my head anyway its always a possibility Im not mentally sound this could be fun. I like Jello and I hear they serve that alot in the mental wards so who knows it could all work out in the end. Now that were done with the personal update I think I will bring up what prompted me to get typing this time. I saw a headline that said,
"Dating site ban's 30,000 ugly Members"
My first thought was How did they know they were ugly? Then I read the post and saw the site was based on members voting on new applicants and deciding whether they were beautiful enough to join. I had many thoughts run through my head among those were How self absorbed do you have to be to apply to a dating site that judges its members in that fashion? I mean Narcissistic much? Then I thought how damaging to the fragile ego of these miserable people who were seeking acceptance and thought they had it for a while to get that email saying in essence Sorry youre too ugly to be on this site so weve decided to revoke your access have a nice day. :) ( I wonder if they actually put a smiley face there?) The sites spokesman said a former employee uploaded a virus and that is what affected the voting numbers allowing these 30,000 people access. The company has refunded the ones who actually went past the first free trial period and had paid the monthly fee. The company seemingly felt this was not serious enough an issue to inform the anti virus companies and also said no personal information was released due to this virus. It seems this virus only effected the voting system allowing less than desirable people access. I just cant help but think this is just too funny to pass up I also agree with the writer of the post saying it is very suspicious this announcement of a virus attack but not working with the usual virus removal companies. With no other verification it really seems like a big publicity stunt. Which is why I have not named the site or posted any links in this message. I did try to access the site before starting and it was not available. One last thought before I go, back in the day we didnt blame hooking up with someone ugly on a virus.....we always thought that was what beer was for. Maybe that site had the Beer Virus...no Beergoggle virus. as always Im outta here maybe I will talk to you later.
P.S. Here is a link to original post about this
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