
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Again with the posting...whats up with that?

I think someone actually looked at this place the other day. They must have been lost or something because I dont think anyone would come here on purpose. I mean these are just pointless ramblings and have nothing to do with anything serious or even non-serious. As I read over the posts theyre not even funny  even an attempt at humor might help but not here. It doesnt make you laugh or cry or even think not even shallow thoughts much less deep ones. So why even bother I ask myself? I really never answer myself and I find that very annoying. I mean how rude to completely ignore a very valid question. But thats the kinda guy I am I guess, so deal with it.
Anyway we had a Holiday here last Monday and it got me thinking. How do you address people on Memorial Day? Do you say Happy Memorial Day? I mean its not like Christmas or July Fourth, days that were supposed to remember happy things. Memorial Day is a day we remember sad things, important things, but sad none the less. I dont know how to address Memorial Day all I know is I think about the people in my life who served in the military during some of the worst times to be in the military. Fortunately in my case these people survived and I was able to meet them later in their lives but they knew me from the beginning of mine. Two people in particular come to mind, My Uncle and My Grandfather. They both have impacted my life in ways I dont even know and the ways I do know are so deep I dont think I would be the same person I am today without having known them.  I think about them more often than Memorial Day but especially on Memorial Day. I think about what it would be like to be in a small boat in the Pacific and know in a matter of minutes the front door would open and you and your friends would have to run out into the water while other people were doing everything they could to kill you. To sit in an Airplane and know soon you would have to jump out and hope your chute opens and if it does to know youre going to float down to ground while people there are trying to kill you. I think of people I know today who are doing the same thing, knowing that as soon or even before they step out of the vehicle theyre riding in people will be trying to kill them and their friends. So many things its boggles my mind sometimes and I cant keep track. Anyway thats what I do around Memorial Day I dont know if its happy or sad but it is contemplative. Thats probably whats its all about I dont pretend to know or to tell anyone else what to do or think. Thats just me I guess. I hope everyone had a safe Memorial Day especially those for whom Memorial Day holds first hand memories. OK thats it for now I may talk later on who knows.

1 comment:

  1. I think of Grandpa and Uncle Joe a lot too, It amazes me at how brave they were.

    Also, I'd like to welcome myself as your first 'follower'

    although, I've probably ALWAYS been your first follower :)
