
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Its me again

I know its been a while and if anyone was actually paying attention to what Im doing they might have gotten bored by now. Fortunately for me it seems no one is interested in what is going on here. Not that it bothers me much a low profile allows me to say anything I want without worrying about bothering people well its not like I would be too worried about bothering anyone if they were reading this so I guess thats not really a good reason. But its the best I have so Im gonna go with it. Besides who wants a bunch of whiners hounding you about posting this that or the other. Lately Ive been dealing with health issues that have been ongoing for over 6 months now. It has been determined that its all in my head which means I go to the ENT and Neurologist regularly. Now dont get me wrong its actually kinda fun and you get these neat pills to take which make the world a more interesting place. That is the positive side of things the other side is the world has been a weird place for me for the last 6 to 10 months and these neat pills are supposed to make it a less weird place but theyre not. Bottom line no one knows why I walk around in a world thats determined to act like a roulette wheel. One specialist says it might be vestibular migraines the other one says it cant be vestibular migraines. So its either is or isnt vestibular migraines either way the world keeps spinning in altogether different directions. So anyway if anyone is out there watching thats part of whats going on perhaps I will talk about this some more later or perhaps I will talk about something altogether different. Theres no telling. Before I go I did want to just comment on surviving the 3-21-11 end of the world thing. I pretty much figured that was going to be the case but I was wondering just what these people had against the 21st? I mean this month it was 5-21-11 the Mayans have it out for 12-21-12 and I noticed both days were the 21st. What is it about that number that these end of days people dont like? I just wondered. well for all those out there not reading this Im off...in more ways than one.

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