
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Friday, November 11, 2011

FRIDAY...Unlike any other day of the week

Fri Jul 29, 2005

Well Due to technical difficulties this weeks review will be slightly truncated. In other words I had my weekly review all written out and was just checking for any grammar or spelling errors and accidentally hit the windows key and closed my explorer. The benevolent leader/Dictator for life is not pleased. As I hate typing in the first place. This second report will be a little shorter so I can go take my frustrations out on the little people. Thank you for your understanding.

CANINES: Still stupid, Talking a lot with the rapidly growing but still mini canine. Attacked the Feline waste disposal unit.

FELINE: about worthless, Failing miserably in the De-Mousification program. Still attacking Canines whenever possible. Deathly afraid of the sickly Political Prisoner in the medical ward. The self same prisoner(AKA Weasel) that on his daily walks still kicks the Felines butt with ease.

POLITICAL PRISONERS: I almost gave them the responsibility for the De-Mousification program but they are less trust worthy than the Feline. Hence their position as political Prisoners.

BENEVOLENT LEADER/DICTATOR FOR LIFE: I have given a rousing speech stating how we will never give in to the terrorist that are attacking our infrastructure. The Terrorist responsible for the attack met this speech with great support and applause as they were I'm sure the only ones in attendance. I have taken over the De-Mousification program because sometimes if you want the job done right you have to do it yourself.

Well that about wraps up this truncated report. I look forward to a more in depth report next week. Now I'm off to repress the masses and oppress the little people.

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