I have been watching the recent political debates and it doesnt seem to matter who is talking they keep saying the same old thing over and over. No one seems to have any new ideas but keep harping on the same old ideas and insist they are fresh new approaches to the various problems we are experiencing. I am more and more of the opinion the two major political parties have had their chance and neither seem able to resolve anything. I think it is time to let someone else try to fix things. On that note I have been looking at the Libertarian party and find there is alot to their message I like and agree with. A smaller government that leaves the American people alone and gets out of the way would in my opinion go much farther to resolving many problems. A government that stays out of foreign affairs for a while would be a novel idea and would save billions of dollars in spending which could go a long way to fixing the whole debt problem. The government needs to learn they dont have unlimited funds simply because they have the ability to print more money. The Government should not be involved in every little thing each American does and no matter which side of the political spectrum you fall its wrong to try to legislate every little thing about citizens activities. If you believe an activity should not be practiced then you have every right to not practice it yourself and try to convince others to follow your lead. But forcing them by legal means will never produce the results you want it will only strengthen peoples desire to circumvent those rules and prompt more of the very activity you object to.
I had alot more that I was going to say but I am afraid it is only wasted typing so why bother. If anyone actually reads this just remember one thing, We cannot keep electing the same type of people to office and expect a different outcome. The only way to solve anything is to stop doing what caused the problem and start doing the opposite. Thats all I hvae to say about that.
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