Fri Apr 01, 2005
The internal strife continues as planned one of the canines was caught in the process of an attack on the felines waste system. Summary punishment was meted out to the offending canine. The rest of the canines disavowed any knowledge of the plot but we are sure they were involved however ineptly. Security measures have been heightened and all canines are now under observation.
The feline management committee has come to a decision that due to his current behavioral issues the feline will be undergoing medical treatment in the near future. All that remains to be done on that issue is to schedule the appointment with the medical staff. We are hopeful this will leave the feline in a much more docile attitude and easier to control in the future. As his current outburst are becoming annoying and disturbing the peace in our little paradise.
Disappointment continues to follow the political prisoners as the planned upgrades to their holding areas were put on hold do to inclement weather and a disinclination of the staff to work under those conditions. We are hoping for more favorable conditions soon.
My plans to keep the tension up between the feline and canines are progressing well. Low scale tension between the two factions is in abundant supply and obvious to this observer. I will continue the current practices and plan on adding more devious practices soon. The canines have been given greater access to the outdoors and this practice is showing progress in the felines attitude regarding the canines.
Well I guess that’s about all I have to say today and I really must get back to my grueling schedule. It’s not easy repressing the masses and trampling all hopes in the underclasses it requires constant attention to the nuances ebb and flow of life here in the workers paradise. It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it. I only hope they appreciate the efforts I am putting forth on their behalf. Till next week.
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