Well its been a wild week so far. The stock market is going crazy and S&P pretty much stabbed America in the back. I wonder what will happen the rest of the month? I was reading an evaluation of the S&P's decision to lower the credit rating of the entire country and I wonder what planet those people are on. Everything they said needed fixing have been issues for years. Did S&P just wake up and smell the coffee or is something else going on in those offices?
Perhaps NYPD should search the S&P offices for evidence of drug use. I know of several ways we can get Americas credit rating back to the top. If I were in charge, S&P would from now on be on top of the IRS audit list I am pretty sure if they run like any other huge company there are things they dont want anyone to know about regarding their finances. A new audit every month or so would quickly convince them of the error of their ways. If S&P had been consistent I could understand the credit adjustment but they have not mentioned anything about these issues until now and it seems a bit odd to me they would choose to act at this time and not any other.
Another way to take care of S&P I can think of is rather drastic but effective. America still has a very effective military a company of US Marines walking through S&P's front door in full battle gear would get their attention and let them know we are not pleased. I know, I know thats not going to happen but it would get a point across. All I can say is S&P should be very happy I am not running things as they would find themselves out of business in short order.
Even without the use of military force the DOJ could investigate and I am sure they would find something S&P is doing wrong as I doubt a company that big could ever be completely without violations. Even without any government actions if we as regular American citizens let them know we were unhappy Im sure they would reconsider. If all their stock was suddenly sold by every American investor Im sure they would notice that quickly. I also believe they would notice a bunch of protesters in picket lines across their front door.
I realize that none of this is likely to happen. however I think I mentioned somewhere that I was mad and madness has a certain leeway allowed to ones point of view. So back to reality, I am sick and tried of American comp0anies being part of the problem rather than part of the solution. It is high time these companies that are getting rich here in America and are from America decide to step up and help things get better rather than keep pushing things toward the worst possible outcome. While they are raking in massive profits off the backs of the rest of us they are reducing their workforces in record numbers. They are requiring the employees they keep to work more and pay them less and keep fewer people on payroll causing our employment issues to get worse and worse rather than taking a little of the huge profits they are making and hiring more people they are so concerned with the bottom line they are killing the host that feeds them. Big business has gone off the tracks and is no longer a solution but is now a problem.
It is time for us, we the people, to take back control of our own country. I propose a new political party. We have the democrats and republicans and even some smaller parties that hardly make any difference. We even have tea party in the republicans which doesnt seem to be much different from all the others. I propose a new political party, we will call ourselves the Beer Bash Party. The Beer Bash Party would have one goal and only one goal so its a simple thing to understand. The Beer Bash Parties one goal would be to elect no incumbent the entire idea would be if anyone has ever held a political office in the past we would not vote for them.
This would ensure a steady stream of new ideas and avoid the political virus that seems to have infected our government. It seems no matter who we elect they become politicians just by association with other politicians. Once they spend any time in Washington DC they are infected. The only solution is to remove the infected and replace them with healthy elected officials.
The problem is once they get to Washington DC they become infected with the political virus. So to solve this no one gets more than one term no exceptions one term then you're out. Make the term 6 years and every 2 years its out with the oldest and in with new. This would ensure a steady stream of uninfected people to keep the whole body healthy.
Thats just My idea but it couldnt be any worse than what we have going on now.
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