
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Boy It's Hot

I mean really HOT. The thermometer on my back porch says its 115 degrees F right now and its only 4:30. It could still get hotter before the day is over. I was thinking its too hot to even talk then I thought about it and remembered the bodies temp is about 98 degrees F and since its hotter than that outside would going outside and talking help cool things down a bit? I really wonder if everyone in Texas started talking outside maybe we could reduce the temp to oh say 110 degrees F. Then I figured it wouldnt matter cause 110 is still too hot. And I for one dont really want to go outside to try my theory. So if anyone feels at all curious and wants to give this theory a try go for it and let me know how it works. I will just stay here in the AC and cheer you on. Cause thats the kind of guy I am. I was trying to think of something interesting to say today but its too hot for thinking so this is the best I could come up with. Besides if I wrote what I was thinking it would be something like this, "Its hot" over and over agin and after a few lines it would be boring. I might drop in some other adjective now and again just to change things up a bit but its too hot to think us interesting adjectives. And it doesnt make sense to use a longer sentence when the original does the job. Besides I have another theory that typing and the friction of my fingers on the keyboard is actually adding to the heat. Maybe I need an airconditioned keyboard? Did I mention its hot? Im forgetting now. Its too hot to even get worked up about all the stupidity Im seeing in the news today. Think I might go see if I can crawl into my freezer it should be cooler in there. Well since all I can think about is how hot it is and I feel I have pretty much said all I can say about it or at least all I want to say about it. I think I will go try and cool down somewhere under the AC vent. Talk at you later, if I survive this heat.

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