
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hmm Look at that its Friday again

Fri Feb 25, 2005 

Another Friday has come to the people’s paradise. All citizens of our workers heaven are joyously going about their normal daily lives. Not a complaint to be heard and all are peacefully coexisting in harmony. And it had better stay that way as the benevolent leader put in alot of time and effort to stamp out any malcontents before the observer arrived.

The feline and canines are all busy telling the observer how wonderful life is here and showing how well they get along. The weasels (political prisoners) are all well cared for and properly housed and have explained to the observer how they regret committing the crimes against the people that have caused them to held in detention.

All the death squads have the day off and are under strict orders to "blend" in and not be noticed. Any plans on moving the Political prisoners to the gulags are for obvious reasons not discussed in public today. Today is the day to show the observer that everything is fine and wonderful in our little happy part of the planet.

Since all the citizens know how unhappy and un-wonderful things can get if the benevolent leader becomes displeased with a section of the population its all working quite well. As the observer will be here thru the weekend all will be peaceful and happy.... till then at least.

Once things have returned to normal on Monday the brutal repression and crushing of dreams and aspirations will begin again and all will be "right" in our little dictatorship/workers paradise. Until then this is kinda like the house when grandma comes to visit.... everyone is on his or her best behavior.... or else.

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