
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hi everyone

Well its Wednesday and the middle of the week has arrived with a veritable shout of  "NO WAY" across the internet. Yes thats right Im gonna go where every other loudmouth lunatic and brainless twit has already been today. THE VERDICT. Thats right I will add my voice to the crowd altho I doubt if most people will like what I have to say.  The jury came back with a verdict in almost record time for a trial that lasted over a month. This jury is in my opinion composed of some of the bravest people in this country today. To actually do their jobs and ignore the mindless screams for a guilty decision no matter what the evidence; to actually take the job of juror seriously and require the state to prove beyond reasonable doubt that someone as unlikeable as Casey Anthony was in fact guilty before passing judgment. I understand these 12 great americans are already being threatened by the mindless twitter sycophants who are convinced there was no need for the bother of an actual trial before deciding someones guilt or innocence. I swear its getting to the point it seems the average americans attention span is only 140 characters long. and they have to check twitter and facebook to see what their opinion is on any given subject. I for one am glad there was a not guilty verdict rendered. I did not sit thru the entire trial and did not see all the evidence. The evidence I did see presented by the state of florida in that trial I dont think could convince me the sun would rise in the east tomorrow morning...I would have to wait and see if that was the best evidence for an eastern sunrise. Dont get me wrong as we say here in Texas "sumthin aint right" in that whole mess and the death of that child is a horrible thing and if someone did purposely cause that childs death then they deserve as Ron White says "in Texas we believe if you kill somebody we will just kill you right back" and I would add we dont  like to take a long time waiting around to get the job done either. But that attitude also requires being sure beyond a reasonable doubt and that trial in florida didnt convince me in any way shape or form. Did Casey Anthony act like an idiot...yes did she do things that made no sense.....yes did she even lie about some things....sure did.  Does that mean she killed her child....NO doesnt mean she didnt kill her either but it doesnt mean she did and if youre gonna hold someone in a trial for their life. I mean seriously the evidence was shaky at best nothing connected that childs body o the trunk of that car and the trunk didnt really have convincing evidence a body was carried in it. Especially in florida in the summer time if theres a body in the trunk for even a few hours theres gonna be a mess. All I can say is the government did a lousy job prosecuting that trial and I for one want to see a shut and closed case if you plan on the death penalty. Im all for the death penalty there are some people that have proven they shouldnt be taking up valuable air on this planet. but I dont want it easy for the government to get to that point I believe they should have to prove it to sceptics. Anyway I am entertained by the hubbub cause by this verdict but then hey I like wile e coyote cartoons too. Well Im outta here for now talk to you later

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