
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ever see those red light cameras?

I was out on the road today and saw a red light camera. Now let me get it out right now I hate those things. It got me thinking and I remembered some time ago reading about some high school students who tried to get even with teachers they didnt like by taking photos of their license plate and then printing them on a color printer and taping them over the plate on their own cars and then running red lights to have tickets sent to the teacher. This got me thinking about the way society is monitoring us everywhere. In London there is almost nowhere in public you will not be watched by CC tv. More and more we are being watched by the government. I personally think this is all backwards I think it is us that should be watching the government not the other way around. As I thought more about this I had an idea. It started off by wondering what would happen if I stood by one of these red light cameras and just started taking pictures and mailing them to the city hall of the city the intersection was in. Then I thought I could even send them a ticket just to see how they felt about it. Another thing I think I should say right now I have never gotten a ticket from one of those things so this is not just someone who got caught breaking the law and is being whiny about it. I quickly decided this idea wouldnt do much I mean I cant actually write tickets so they would just ignore me and that would be that. Then a brilliant idea hit me. I would like to get a really big video camera you know the ones like the news crews use on location. A camera big enough no one could misunderstand just what it was. I would then go around to all the cameras that spy on us as we are out and about minding our own business. I thought I would just use that camera to spy right back on them. I doubt if I would even need tape in the camera that would be expensive and be a really boring video. But I did get a laugh at the thought of what the people watching the CC tv would think that someone was watching them right back. This thought appealed to the passive agressive part of my make up. It wouldnt actually do anything but it would be funny in a useless sort of way. Then I thought if alot of people started doing this it could be some sort of passive resistance to the all seeing eye of big brother. Just a little twist letting them know we were aware of the invasion of our privacy they were perpetrating and we could do it right back. I know I know it would probably be pointless but it could be a fun commentary on the further encroachment of the government in monitoring us when it really is supposed to be the other way around. So if you see a weird looking guy out standing around and pointing a big video camera at nothing in general look for a CC tv camera and it just could be me out performing my pointless act of semi civil disobedience. If you read this and it seems like a fun idea feel free to go out and run with it. I really do believe it could be a fun way to just let big brother know we are on to his little tricks. It seems George Orwell was just a little off in the date of his work but not the substance. Well Im done for the day hope you have a good one I will be back later....maybe.

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