
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Norway's Nutjob

It seems no where is safe from the crazies. I often hear how much safer Europe is with its stringent gun control laws. Now Im not going to get off on gun control I just mentioned it to say this, it seems if someone is set on causing problems of this type there is no law that will stop them. There appears to be a large group of people all across Europe who are seriously distressed by the immigration issues they are facing.  This whacko murderer actually said he did this to begin some kind of political solution to the muslim problems he claims Europe is having. This from a guy who cant even come up with his own manifesto but has to cut and paste from several other nutcases such as the Unabomber. I also read where the maximum penalty in Norway is 21 years in prison, 21 years in prison? Do they really think this is an appropriate response to a crime of this nature? I dont know I mean you can argue one way or another about a death penalty and each side will have valid points. I personally, being in Texas, I agree with what Ron White said, " in Texas we think if you kill someone we will kill you right back". My own thoughts are if we plan to kill you right back we should be darn sure you are guilty but if that is the case and guilt is determined in a fair and impartial trial. Then the one thing the death penalty absolutely guarantees is that particular killer will never have the chance to kill again. And thats not always a bad thing. Even if you dont believe in the death penalty which I can understand, I cant see how a maximum sentence of 21 years could even come close to being appropriate for a crime of this magnitude. I am all for giving people a second chance but as I see it this mass murderer had his second chance right after the first person he killed and as soon as he pulled the trigger on the second person he blew any second chance in my opinion. Maybe they should just send him out to some muslim extremest group as it seems his goal was to foment strife between them and Europe Im sure they would deal with him in a humane way. Either way there is nothing anyone can do that will ever make up for the bloodshed this person has caused and it is a sad thing that can never be made right again.

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