
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Well Its Tuesday

What an interesting day Tuesday. One of the middle children of the week. Tuesday and Thursday are the middle children of the week in that they are neither as ostentatious as the beginning nor treasured as the ending. Tuesday and Thursday have no expectations placed on them except to keep track of the week.  Monday carries all the dread of the beginning of a weeks work. Friday all the excitement and hope for the beginning of the weekend. Wednesday marks the middle "hump day" it gives us a marker a way to prove the time is actually passing. But Tuesday and Thursday have no expectations placed on them and they get no special notice. They simply show up and do their job they keep Monday and Friday from colliding with Wednesday. Theyre pretty good at too if you think about it. They really do deserve a little respect in my opinion. Just in case you noticed and I dont expect anyone did or even cares, I mean really who cares about the ravings of a madman, I took the weekend off. I mean Im Mad not stupid. Monday I will deal with another time I didnt feel like dealing Monday on Monday that would just be too depressing even for someone crazy like me." I am but Mad when the wind is North Northwest... when the wind is Southerly, I can tell a Hawk from a Handsaw." Goodbye for now perhaps I will talk to you later.

Friday, April 15, 2011


So its Friday. That started me wondering what makes Friday so great? I mean you still have to get up and go to work. Its not like you have the day off or anything. Its not like your job is any different on Friday than say Monday or Wednesday or any other weekday. But everybody loves Friday. I cant help but notice the only difference from the other days of the week is Friday for most of us means tomorrow we dont have to go do the same thing we did the last 5 days. In other words we get tomorrow off work and get to do what we want for the most part. That little difference which really doesnt happen on Friday but occurs after seems to make Friday a wonderful day. I find it funny how our own attitude towards a day can make it a good day or a bad day. Even if work is terrible on Friday people seem to smile and shrug it off. All because tomorrow is Saturday and we dont ahve to go in to work. We are funny that way. Our own expectations for something thats not even going to happen on the same day can make that a great day. Our life runs it course running from good to bad based mostly on our own expectations. Wouldnt it be great if we could have that Friday feeling every day I mean why not ? Really Friday is only different because we think it is. We expect it to be and it is. Just a thought on how our attitude has an impact on our lives. The mind leads and the body follows. The really great thing is you get to pick how you think and how you think effects how you act and how you act effects how you feel. just something I think about. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

In the Begining...

Funny thing Life.  There I dont know a better way to say it. No matter what happens, how twisted or convoluted things get that little statement seems to always be true. Its like this one "This to shall change"  its another one of those always true statements. Funny thing Life...we say that when "good" things happen. We say that when "bad" things happen. We say that when we dont know what else to say and feel we have to say something. But do we really mean it or is it just something we say? I dont know I think Life is pretty funny so yeah.....Funny thing Life. At least thats what I think...but...I could be wrong. I suspect we will look into this further later but Im done now.