
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Again Another Friday

Fri Mar 25, 2005

Greetings, Just a short update today not much to report. I suspect the canines and feline have been on their best behavior this week for some religious reason or other. They’ve been walking around being "nice" to each other; they’ve been following the rules (for the most part). I am now ordering the secret police/death squads to investigate this matter. I know their up to something I just haven’t found it yet. The usual notices have been posted to all the security services. I expect to have this situation well in hand and a tight lid on things all weekend. We will not tolerate any reenactments of "certain" historical events this weekend.
In other news the political prisoners have ended their hunger strike upon hearing the plans have been made to refurbish the current holding facilities. All are in good spirits and anxiously awaiting the cleaning and repair crews this weekend.
I would love to stay and chat...but I really must be going, Peasants to oppress, rights to trample, hopes and dreams to crush mercilessly. I’m swamped, my day planner is filled. I’m beginning to think I really need a vacation or a Vice Dictator to help out, but a Vice Dictator has problems attached, they never seem to want to stay in the job. Always looking for that upward mobility I guess good help is hard to find. Its very upsetting when the Vice Dictator applies for a promotion not to mention its quite messy trying to clean up the interview room afterwards.
Well that’s it for now. Till next week remember keep your friends close ...but your enemies closer. (Preferably in small display boxes)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Im a little worried about my dog

I fear for his sanity. Lately he has been insisting that I refer to him as Desmond the magnificent. I think hes a pretty good dog and can be very entertaining but magnificent im not really sure about that. Furthermore the other day as he was running around (acting) crazy I wrote it that (acting) part as the jury is still out he may actually BE crazy. Anyway the other day he insisted I call him Desmondo the Mad, now I am really not sure where he is getting this. He was always a little off and would say the strangest things from time to time. But lately he has just been full of the most curious thoughts. The other day he told me " never trust a cat to watch your dinner bowl". I expect he made the mistake of trusting the aforementioned cat and returned to find one of the other dogs in the house had stolen his dinner. I suspect it was the fat one but she swears it was the short one. either way it was right after that incident he started with the whole Desmondo the Mad thing I really think he has just seen too much TV and decided if Superman can have an alter ego then Desmond should have two. I hope hes not getting MPD or something. I wonder how to tell if your dog has MPD, I might have to look that up on google after Im done here. Anyway I just thought I would let you all know I was worried about my dogs sanity because of all the crazy things he says to me. I on the other hand have absolutely no doubt about my own sanity. Its a little low I checked the dipstick the other day and it was below the bottom line I seem to be fresh out of replacement sanity and I have yet to find the owners manual telling me where I can purchase replacement sanity or even how to refill my sanity level. The good thing about all that is it tends to make life bearable theres so much insanity in the world I think if I were totally sane I would lose my mind.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Norway's Nutjob

It seems no where is safe from the crazies. I often hear how much safer Europe is with its stringent gun control laws. Now Im not going to get off on gun control I just mentioned it to say this, it seems if someone is set on causing problems of this type there is no law that will stop them. There appears to be a large group of people all across Europe who are seriously distressed by the immigration issues they are facing.  This whacko murderer actually said he did this to begin some kind of political solution to the muslim problems he claims Europe is having. This from a guy who cant even come up with his own manifesto but has to cut and paste from several other nutcases such as the Unabomber. I also read where the maximum penalty in Norway is 21 years in prison, 21 years in prison? Do they really think this is an appropriate response to a crime of this nature? I dont know I mean you can argue one way or another about a death penalty and each side will have valid points. I personally, being in Texas, I agree with what Ron White said, " in Texas we think if you kill someone we will kill you right back". My own thoughts are if we plan to kill you right back we should be darn sure you are guilty but if that is the case and guilt is determined in a fair and impartial trial. Then the one thing the death penalty absolutely guarantees is that particular killer will never have the chance to kill again. And thats not always a bad thing. Even if you dont believe in the death penalty which I can understand, I cant see how a maximum sentence of 21 years could even come close to being appropriate for a crime of this magnitude. I am all for giving people a second chance but as I see it this mass murderer had his second chance right after the first person he killed and as soon as he pulled the trigger on the second person he blew any second chance in my opinion. Maybe they should just send him out to some muslim extremest group as it seems his goal was to foment strife between them and Europe Im sure they would deal with him in a humane way. Either way there is nothing anyone can do that will ever make up for the bloodshed this person has caused and it is a sad thing that can never be made right again.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wow I am seriously getting out of my usual habit of posting patterns

I was watching Lewis Black last night on TV and He said something funny, Which is what I expected since thats his job. He was going on about politicians and when he said this I lost it He said " Republicans are the party of bad ideas and Democrats are the party of no ideas and a Republican will jump up in Congress and say I have a bad idea and a Democrat will jump up and say and I can make it worse". Now Lewis Black is not for the faint of heart and this was recorded in 04 but it sounds to me pretty much how our Congress works. It would have been much more funny except it seems to me to be too true. I copied an email I got and I dont usually pay much attention to these kind of things cause I get them all the time and I have no idea if they are actually written by the people they are credited to and I dont really care to find out one way or the othe. But this was on the same topic of the comedy show I saw last night and thought I would just post most of it here

Charley Reese's final column for the Orlando Sentinel...
He has been a journalist for 49 years.
He is retiring and this is HIS LAST COLUMN.

Be sure to read the Tax List at the end.

This is about as clear and easy to understand as it can be. The article below is completely neutral, neither anti-republican or democrat. Charlie Reese, a retired reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, has hit the nail directly on the head, defining clearly who it is that in the final analysis must assume responsibility for the judgments made that impact each one of us every day. It's a short but good read. Worth the time. Worth remembering!

545 vs. 300,000,000 People
-By Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The President does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? John Boehner. He is the leader of the majority party. He and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.

If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it's because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan ...

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees...

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.
I didnt post the list of taxes just bevause it was too long but I suspect you already have an idea about those.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fridays are just popping up left and right

Fri Mar 18, 2005 

Greetings, It seems another Friday has found us and it’s been an eventful week here in our little corner of the workers paradise.
The terrorist acts have continued unabated and spread to include acts against the beloved leader. Rest assured the guilty parties will be found and punished for crimes against the people the state and humanity in general.
Information is already in our possession implicating the feline in the aforementioned acts. The entire population of the workers paradise is eagerly awaiting the trial of the feline on charges of sedition, treason, crimes against the state, crimes against the people, crimes against humanity, and finally crimes against stereo equipment namely destruction of headphone wires. This is the felines second offense in these areas and the canine community is abuzz with speculation regarding the sentence to be meted out upon the feline. Rumor has it that surgical alteration will be involved.
The official beautification program has begun in earnest this week. The canines are all highly involved in the outdoors project (much to their dismay I might add). While the canines have been offered many opportunities to excel in this area I am still less than pleased with their performance. I have instructed the secret police/death squads to investigate the possibility of union organization in their midst. While the thought of the canines actually organizing anything is preposterous they are still not performing their beautification duties nearly as well as they could. Also what’s the point of even having secret police/death squads if you don’t send them out to do something? Its very dangerous having them idle, busy secret police/death squads are happy secret police/death squads I always say, and happy secret police/death squads seldom turn on their beloved leader.
No new news on the political prisoner front. We are still awaiting transportation to the gulags. Once the transportation is provided there will be a new update.
Unknown individuals ransacked a local paper production facility last night. We are not sure the purpose of this attack as no one has claimed responsibility. I suspect it might have something to do with the holiday yesterday. I have my investigators working on it even as we speak but I suspect it is simply hooliganism stemming from the quaint Irish custom of wearing green and drinking too much after eating corned beef and cabbage that’s been boiled past redemption. Plans are being put into affect to increase security at these locations to prevent a reoccurrence.
That’s the weekly update on the state of affairs in our workers paradise. I would love to stay and chat...but I have aspirations to crush, dreams to trample and hopes to toy with mercilessly. Until next week I remain the peoples servant, benevolent leader and president for life.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Un American Airlines?

I read today where American Airlines is making the biggest purchase of new airplanes ever. They are buying 460 new planes over the next several years. I thought great new planes are more fuel efficient and better for the environment less fuel burned the better. I also thought great newer planes will hopefully be more comfortable, perhaps American Airlines can get rid of the old Torquemada torture seats. I get further into the article and read American Airlines is buying 200 new planes from Boeing and 260 planes from Airbus. At that point I stopped and I thought why are they buying more planes from Airbus a European company than Boeing and American company. Maybe American Airlines should change their name cause if you cant buy American you shouldnt be able to use the name. Especially when we all know Boeing makes a great plane if the planes from Boeing are not up to the quality of Airbus then why is American Airlines buying 200 in the first place? Since quality is not the issue and price is usually close to the same. Why couldnt American Airlines but the billions of dollars they must be spending to buy that many planes back into an American company? Im sure they will have some lame excuse but I saw in the article the Airbus spokesman was thrilled to beat Boeing in this order. So I say to American Airlines as an American myself I think you along with BofA should change your names to UnAmerican, you shall henceforth  be known as UnAmerican Airlines and BofUA will be more properly called Bank of UnAmerica. Now I realize that Boeing like many companies does work all over the world but you can still go to Seattle and see them put planes together and all those people doing that work are Americans that need their jobs to support their families and they spend their paychecks here in America and that helps us all. Airbus they work somewhere in Europe (probably France that bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys). Anyway Thanks a bunch Un American Airlines I hope you remember you fly mostly in America and its probably a good idea to keep as much work here so people can afford to pay your outrageous prices anyway. The really bad part is the company headquarters is just about 25 or 30 miles from my house here in Texas. I honestly expected better from you Un American Airlines I am very disappointed maybe its time to take another look at Delta.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I dont normally post on Tuesday

I got up today and started my usual forage through the news and saw something that just annoyed me. All 5 of the people that have been reading this blog will already know Ive gone on a few rants about the Casey Anthony trial. I know it has gotten alot of people up in arms over the entire issue and I have really been less concerned about Casey Anthony herself and more interested in the whole mess surrounding the trial. But today I read in this article Computer expert report error that the assertion by the prosecution that someone in the house looked up chloroform 84 times before the death of Caylee is all wrong. The worst of it is they were told by their expert that the program the told them about the 84 searches was in error and the first time they searched the computer the first program they used told the the correct fact that it was only searched for once. The more I read about this prosecution team the more I am lead to believe they attempted to fit the evidence to their own preconceived notions. If this information in the article is true I think there is even less evidence that Casey Anthony was guilty and there should ahve been no prosecution based on the evidence they had. Im not saying Casey Anthony did not kill Caylee I honestly dont know but I am saying it appears to me the prosecution violated the rules and perhaps even the law by withholding information from the defense that weakened the case against Casey Anthony. I for one am outraged that any government prosecutor would violate the rules that are set in place to protect us all from false accusation. Whether Casey Anthony did or did not commit the crime a violation of the protections we all are supposed to have a citizens endangers every one of us. If the prosecution can do this to Casey Anthony maybe the next time it could be you and just perhaps you could be convicted of a crime you did not commit. These public officials should be investigated and if it is true that they violated Casey Anthony's right to a fair trial they should be prosecuted and they should be prosecuted in a fair manner unlike the manner they chose to prosecute Casey Anthony.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ever see those red light cameras?

I was out on the road today and saw a red light camera. Now let me get it out right now I hate those things. It got me thinking and I remembered some time ago reading about some high school students who tried to get even with teachers they didnt like by taking photos of their license plate and then printing them on a color printer and taping them over the plate on their own cars and then running red lights to have tickets sent to the teacher. This got me thinking about the way society is monitoring us everywhere. In London there is almost nowhere in public you will not be watched by CC tv. More and more we are being watched by the government. I personally think this is all backwards I think it is us that should be watching the government not the other way around. As I thought more about this I had an idea. It started off by wondering what would happen if I stood by one of these red light cameras and just started taking pictures and mailing them to the city hall of the city the intersection was in. Then I thought I could even send them a ticket just to see how they felt about it. Another thing I think I should say right now I have never gotten a ticket from one of those things so this is not just someone who got caught breaking the law and is being whiny about it. I quickly decided this idea wouldnt do much I mean I cant actually write tickets so they would just ignore me and that would be that. Then a brilliant idea hit me. I would like to get a really big video camera you know the ones like the news crews use on location. A camera big enough no one could misunderstand just what it was. I would then go around to all the cameras that spy on us as we are out and about minding our own business. I thought I would just use that camera to spy right back on them. I doubt if I would even need tape in the camera that would be expensive and be a really boring video. But I did get a laugh at the thought of what the people watching the CC tv would think that someone was watching them right back. This thought appealed to the passive agressive part of my make up. It wouldnt actually do anything but it would be funny in a useless sort of way. Then I thought if alot of people started doing this it could be some sort of passive resistance to the all seeing eye of big brother. Just a little twist letting them know we were aware of the invasion of our privacy they were perpetrating and we could do it right back. I know I know it would probably be pointless but it could be a fun commentary on the further encroachment of the government in monitoring us when it really is supposed to be the other way around. So if you see a weird looking guy out standing around and pointing a big video camera at nothing in general look for a CC tv camera and it just could be me out performing my pointless act of semi civil disobedience. If you read this and it seems like a fun idea feel free to go out and run with it. I really do believe it could be a fun way to just let big brother know we are on to his little tricks. It seems George Orwell was just a little off in the date of his work but not the substance. Well Im done for the day hope you have a good one I will be back later....maybe.

Friday, July 15, 2011

OMG another Friday

Fri Mar 11, 2005

Another week has passed in our tranquil workers paradise. The weather here is wonderful and the citizens are spending every available moment out of doors. Well its not like they have much of a choice since we have begun our spring celebration. It was a glorious event the bulldozer operators were dressed in festively colored hard hats as they drove thru all the shantytowns in our urban renewal program. Unfortunately the planning committee hasn’t quite finished the replacement plans for our new and improved housing units. They assure me that within 24 to 36 months they should be prepared to begin the construction phase. Until then all residents have been provided with temporary cubical shelters (cardboard boxes).
My plan to sow dissention between the canines and the feline is progressing well. The feline has already begun minor terrorist attacks against certain canines and their food supplies. Said canines have begun to respond with attacks on the feline infrastructure specifically the waste treatment plant. I have taken both sides apart for private talks in which I reiterated the official support for whichever side I was speaking to at the time.
The plans for dealing with the dissident political prisoners have progressed nicely. The gulags are in preparation to receive 3/4 of the prisoner population as soon as transportation can be provided. In one of our most magnificent displays of generosity we are commuting one of the prisoners terms and will allow them to remain and be reunited with the rest of our society.
The plans are working well and my position as esteemed and gloriously loved president for life is well in hand. As a matter of fact just this morning the feline woke me (at about 4 am) to relay that very message in a secret code (if chewing on my forehead is a secret code for telling me how much he admires and respects my leadership abilities that is).
All is well in the workers paradise things progress nicely. Alas I must end this report as there are plans that need to be finalized, peasants to be repressed and class envy to be fomented. Till next time. Always remember we care so much were always "watching" out for you and we have "special" teams prepared to respond to any situation.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Where am I again?

I have heard that it was General Phillip Sheridan who said " if I owned Hell and Texas I would rent out Texas and live in Hell". Im starting to wonder if thats just what I did. Wow is it HOT and has been for way too long no rain and over 100 degree heat. This is getting crazy Im not even leaving the AC at night cause it barely gets below 80 at night anymore. I think its a plot by the power companies to make more money. The only good thing is I dont have to mow the grass as much since its so hot and not raining but I would trade mowing for more rain. Its so hot I really dont feel like talking much and that hasnt happened in a long time. so today is going to be short. I am tired of ranting about current events for a bit so Im just gonna complain a little. I dont usually worry too much about heat but this is getting a bit old. Oh well not much use in complaining but I thought I would give it a try. I heard it was supposed to cool down by the weekend but weather prediction in Texas is like trying to predict the lotto numbers, only one in several million is right. We will see. Think Im gonna go get something cold to drink and find the AC vent and sit under it. Hope you all are keeping cool and I will talk at you later.

Monday, July 11, 2011

I am so Sick of the Casey Anthony Stupidity

ok I talked about this on Wednesday and I thought to myself  "self thats all taken care of and out of your system now you can move on". Well I guess I was wrong, it seems there is now a scam running around Facebook about Casey Anthony confessing on video. Just so you know if youve seen that it is a scam and the people doing it are trying to get you to go to their site and follow a bunch of links and take surveys for which they will be paid and you will be annoyed. While I generally applaud ingenuity even if it is annoying this is just too much. This just feeds the lunacy around this issue all the more. There are still people out there criticizing the Jury on that case. Those poor brave people who had the misfortune to be forced by the state to sit in judgement on a botched prosecution should not be treated this way. let me say it again for you dimwits.....LEAVE THOSE PEOPLE ALONE CRAWL BACK INTO WHATEVER CESSPOOL YOU CALL HOME AND SHUT UP ALREADY. I am all for freedom of speech, I love it, I dont think the Government has any business telling me what I can or cant say. So here it goes, I am going to exercise a little of my freedom of speech here. To all you PINHEADED, MUSHBRAINED, WHINING, LEMMINGS, to all you out there who cant handle the simple fact, Casey Anthony was AQUITTED, that means NOT GUILTY, DIDNT DO IT, WAS FOUND INNOCENT. All you crazy people who by your words are threatening the good people of that jury SHUT UP. Its time for you to go take your meds and settle down. The bottom line is the prosecution put on a very bad case with no evidence to show how that poor child died and who might have done it. You dont have to like Casey Anthony she doesnt seem to be a very likable person. But for goodness sake leave the jurors alone they dont deserve this, they did their job and seems to me they did it well. If you want to jump up and down and scream and yell about how you believe Casey Anthony is guilty fine you can believe whatever you want. I mean some people believe Ted Bundy was just misunderstood and Jeffrey Dahmer just had a little eating disorder some people even believe Charles Manson isnt crazy as a bedbug, thats fine. You have the right to be miserably wrong but I dont believe you have the right to say and do things that make honest regular people who were just doing a hard job they didnt ask for to be made to feel unsafe or threatened in any way. Perhaps one day you might face a jury and at that time would you want one made up of people who acted like that Casey Anthony jury or one that acted like you are? Just remember what they say about Karma and you all better hope its wrong.  I think its time for me to go...Im typing angry again and dont think my keyboard will survive much more. Im outta here till later.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Fri Mar 04, 2005 

Well well well another Friday has found us at last. Looks like its time for another update from the workers paradise the veritable utopia that is home. The observer has left as planned all went well we are not under any new sanctions. For their good behavior I have declared the day following the departure of the observer a state holiday. All citizen work quota's have been cut in half allowing them to spend half the day composing songs and poems praising the benevolent leader and all he has done for their miserable lives. It was a touching experience to see them all standing out there in their quaint peasant costumes singing and reading their poems.

It was amazingly easy to motivate them this time it required the least amount of hostages ever taken. I really feel Im making some progress in this area. The death squads have returned and are currently roaming the populace seeking the malcontents and removing them from the general population to reeducation camps. I am very proud of the fact that we here have one of the highest "education" rates in the world and are strong supporters of continuing "education" as it becomes needed. We will reeducate anyone simply if they ask or speak out.

There has been some kind of uneasy truce between the feline and the canines of the workers paradise. I suspect this will be something I need to look into. They seem to have fallen into a routine of some sorts and I may have to mix things up a bit. Just to keep some tension among the masses.

As for the political prisoners they are safely behind bars and the plans on removal are progressing nicely. There are currently no plans for a "final solution" all rumors to the contrary notwithstanding.

All in all it has been a glorious week in the workers paradise. A bunch of happy smiling faces ( if they know whats good for them at least). And things progressing nicely I am pleased to report.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hi everyone

Well its Wednesday and the middle of the week has arrived with a veritable shout of  "NO WAY" across the internet. Yes thats right Im gonna go where every other loudmouth lunatic and brainless twit has already been today. THE VERDICT. Thats right I will add my voice to the crowd altho I doubt if most people will like what I have to say.  The jury came back with a verdict in almost record time for a trial that lasted over a month. This jury is in my opinion composed of some of the bravest people in this country today. To actually do their jobs and ignore the mindless screams for a guilty decision no matter what the evidence; to actually take the job of juror seriously and require the state to prove beyond reasonable doubt that someone as unlikeable as Casey Anthony was in fact guilty before passing judgment. I understand these 12 great americans are already being threatened by the mindless twitter sycophants who are convinced there was no need for the bother of an actual trial before deciding someones guilt or innocence. I swear its getting to the point it seems the average americans attention span is only 140 characters long. and they have to check twitter and facebook to see what their opinion is on any given subject. I for one am glad there was a not guilty verdict rendered. I did not sit thru the entire trial and did not see all the evidence. The evidence I did see presented by the state of florida in that trial I dont think could convince me the sun would rise in the east tomorrow morning...I would have to wait and see if that was the best evidence for an eastern sunrise. Dont get me wrong as we say here in Texas "sumthin aint right" in that whole mess and the death of that child is a horrible thing and if someone did purposely cause that childs death then they deserve as Ron White says "in Texas we believe if you kill somebody we will just kill you right back" and I would add we dont  like to take a long time waiting around to get the job done either. But that attitude also requires being sure beyond a reasonable doubt and that trial in florida didnt convince me in any way shape or form. Did Casey Anthony act like an idiot...yes did she do things that made no sense.....yes did she even lie about some things....sure did.  Does that mean she killed her child....NO doesnt mean she didnt kill her either but it doesnt mean she did and if youre gonna hold someone in a trial for their life. I mean seriously the evidence was shaky at best nothing connected that childs body o the trunk of that car and the trunk didnt really have convincing evidence a body was carried in it. Especially in florida in the summer time if theres a body in the trunk for even a few hours theres gonna be a mess. All I can say is the government did a lousy job prosecuting that trial and I for one want to see a shut and closed case if you plan on the death penalty. Im all for the death penalty there are some people that have proven they shouldnt be taking up valuable air on this planet. but I dont want it easy for the government to get to that point I believe they should have to prove it to sceptics. Anyway I am entertained by the hubbub cause by this verdict but then hey I like wile e coyote cartoons too. Well Im outta here for now talk to you later

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hmm Look at that its Friday again

Fri Feb 25, 2005 

Another Friday has come to the people’s paradise. All citizens of our workers heaven are joyously going about their normal daily lives. Not a complaint to be heard and all are peacefully coexisting in harmony. And it had better stay that way as the benevolent leader put in alot of time and effort to stamp out any malcontents before the observer arrived.

The feline and canines are all busy telling the observer how wonderful life is here and showing how well they get along. The weasels (political prisoners) are all well cared for and properly housed and have explained to the observer how they regret committing the crimes against the people that have caused them to held in detention.

All the death squads have the day off and are under strict orders to "blend" in and not be noticed. Any plans on moving the Political prisoners to the gulags are for obvious reasons not discussed in public today. Today is the day to show the observer that everything is fine and wonderful in our little happy part of the planet.

Since all the citizens know how unhappy and un-wonderful things can get if the benevolent leader becomes displeased with a section of the population its all working quite well. As the observer will be here thru the weekend all will be peaceful and happy.... till then at least.

Once things have returned to normal on Monday the brutal repression and crushing of dreams and aspirations will begin again and all will be "right" in our little dictatorship/workers paradise. Until then this is kinda like the house when grandma comes to visit.... everyone is on his or her best behavior.... or else.