
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why is it

When you sit down to write its so hard to think of something to say? When Im laying in bed at o dark thirty trying to go to sleep so many things run thru my head that seem so interesting at the time I cant get to sleep. By the next day I either forget or it does not seem so interesting. Oh well guess thats the way it goes sometimes. I did see an interesting Movie on HBO the other day. It was called "Too big to fail" it was all about the last financial melt down. The reason I mention it is I actually had some personal experience in that whole mess. I was forced to have a ring side seat to the entire mess. I think I mentioned on a previous post how I worked for several different companies and never really moved desks. Well one of the companies I worked for played heavily in that whole mess. In my and my coworkers defense our company was purchased by the huge conglomerate and we never really wanted to be employed by the three lettered giant company. (You may notice I have not actually said the name and really dont plan to I expect if you paid any attention to the news at that time you will be able to guess which company Im talking about and if not thats ok too.) Anyway they bought our company about  5 or 6 months before the crash. I watched company stock options become worthless almost over night. I read the company security email notices telling employees not to wear company logos or security badges out in public. I personally knew people that had been accosted on the street for wearing a company ID badge. Plus the daily calls from customers who were very angry and sometimes abusive. Just a side note here if you ever call customer service for anything like  say a credit card or insurance or your phone or utility bills its not a smart thing to threaten them almost all those calls are recorded and most of the time your personal information is already on the screen by the time the representative answers the call. So they know who you are and where youre calling from and have a recording of your threat. Its not really that smart leaving that many pieces of evidence against yourself. Anyway I watched from a unique perspective the meltdown that movie was talking about. One thing I learned is just because someone was in charge didnt mean they had a clue. This was a huge insurance company with Billions of dollars in assets that completely fell apart because one small section forgot the first rule in insurance which is, The whole point of insurance is to deal with catastrophic losses which means if you are an insurance company you had best plan for the worst case scenario. Simply put they didnt have a plan to cover all the losses they had promised to cover. Thats why when an insurance company does business the Dept of Insurance requires they have reserves to cover losses and they are not allowed to sell more policies than they have reserves to cover. Unfortunately someone figured if you dont call it insurance it doesnt have to be regulated by the Dept of Insurance so they called them credit default swaps instead. Who said words can never hurt you? Just changing those few words allowed them to completely over extend a multi billion dollar company I guess words do mean things after all. The really sad thing is it doesnt look like anyone learned anything from that mess and the whole wall street crowd is still at it. Sooner or later its all going to happen again. Unless of course Harold Camping or the Mayans are right then we have either a few months up to a year and a half then it wont matter I guess. I think Ive rambled enough tonight

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