
There's no telling what might follow, you have been warned.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Its Friday..according to Mr. Spocks tricorder at least

Fri Aug 05, 2005 

Well it looks like another Friday has made its appearance. This week has been rather uneventful for the workers paradise with one exception. So lets get right to the exception and not waste any time about it.

The Political Prisoner that was removed to the medical facility has not been having a good week. The staff have reported several times it was feared he would not survive the night. Well it is becoming obvious this little malcontent wont up and die. He is playing some twisted power trip and only pretending to die just to cause turmoil in the staff caring for him. After one of his "attacks" he will be back up within a few hours and things will be as normal as they can be with him. The Feline is convinced he is doing all this for the attention and to spite the Feline. Of course the Feline has a very self-centered view of things, go figure. The Canines have not expressed any opinions one way or the other. Although I am convinced an opinion form the Canines would be overly taxing on their mental abilities so I don't expect any from them.

The Feline is still failing miserably in his de-mousification attempts. I have tried to explain to him even if he could catch a mouse it would only kick his ass and that would be embarrassing to him. I suspect deep in his ego ridden little heart he is aware of this fact and will never actually confront a rodent but will continue making a big production about how hard he's trying. I take great pleasure in pointing out to him if he's trying that hard and failing the mice are not only stronger than him but smarter as well, He ignores these as best he can but I know the truth.

The canines are like the Special Olympics here in the workers paradise. Always out there giving it their best and having a lot of fun...but still just a step or two behind. Bless their pointy headed little hearts. I sometimes think it must be nice to be so happy just running in circles or shouting at the water hose. Then I remember these are also creatures that sniff and lick each others and their own asses for fun and any thought of how nice it must be to be them quickly fades.

Well other than that there's not really a lot going on here. Summer is progressing as summer always does and things tend to work themselves out in the long run without too much interference from me. A little talk to the Canines about how the Feline is always attacking them, a whisper to the Feline how the canines believe they are superior to him. These things keep the balance of my little world in check.

So I think this will wrap up my report for this week. I remain the Benevolent Leader/ Dictator for Life of the Workers Paradise. OHHHH...One more thing. The security police/death squads have brought to my attention that many of you are still trying to defeat the security/monitoring devices in place. I feel I must remind you these devices are merely there to protect you from harm. And to help you live a more comfortable life. Please just go on about your normal activities and if your not doing anything subversive you have nothing to worry about....."You have my word on it"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day Thoughts

Well here we are at the close of Veterans day. I think back on family and friends who have served us all. Some risking everything, some paying with everything they have, others offering everything should the need arise. Everything we have in this country today, everything we seem to squabble about on a daily basis sometimes we owe to those brave souls willing to put their very lives on the line if needs be. Whether there was actual fighting or not the risk of every service member is equal.

These are the very best of us, the ones who willingly offered their very lives if needed to protect the principals this country was founded on. The same freedoms many of us use regularly to belittle and denigrate the selfless offer made by these brave souls. Each and every one of us here owe a debt to the selfless few that answered the call of liberty and freedom.

Today is a day set aside to remember those people that stood in our place when things were darkest and most dangerous. Standing bravely even for those same people that use the freedom they defended to criticize and belittle the souls standing between them and the loss of the very same freedom. One day is never enough to repay these people some of whom gave everything to see the rest of us had the ability to continue living our lives as we see fit. The kind of selflessness displayed deserves much more than we are able to give back. 

I would like to take this time and remember. My memories include a young paratrooper in the 101st, The screaming eagles, a division renowned in the history of WW2. Willing to fight to the last man in the defense of our country, facing seemingly insurmountable odds and yet prevailing. Not just one or two but an entire division of heroes joined by an entire generation of heroic Americans willing to risk everything.

Or a young Marine rifleman celebrating his 21st birthday on a troop transport ship sailing across the pacific with the intentions of landing on hostile shores and facing death daily. Meeting each day not knowing how the day will end and willingly going forward into the face of deadly firepower. Knowing from the very first the odd were stacked against them and still answering the call. Storming the beaches in three major campaigns in the pacific with the first Marine division. Places many of us have never heard of these days. Names like New Britain, Peleliu, Okinawa battles known through the history of the US Marine Corp as some of the most difficult conditions and most determined enemy action.

Family members I had the distinct privilege of knowing and learning from, people who by their example taught me things I am still discovering depth in. Men who answered a call to defend the life we all live today and take for granted. The few days we as a country set aside to honor those veterans from the past and the current active members of the US armed forces are simply not enough to equal the price paid and continuing to be paid on all our behalf's. From the memory of the past to the thought of the present and the expectations of the future my undying respect and gratitude goes out to anyone that has offered themselves as a defender of our way of life and the freedoms we take for granted each and every day. As inadequate as it might be all I can offer is my gratitude to anyone brave enough and willing to put on a uniform and accept the risk of defending us all. Thank you veterans and current members of the military.
You are not forgotten.

FRIDAY...Unlike any other day of the week

Fri Jul 29, 2005

Well Due to technical difficulties this weeks review will be slightly truncated. In other words I had my weekly review all written out and was just checking for any grammar or spelling errors and accidentally hit the windows key and closed my explorer. The benevolent leader/Dictator for life is not pleased. As I hate typing in the first place. This second report will be a little shorter so I can go take my frustrations out on the little people. Thank you for your understanding.

CANINES: Still stupid, Talking a lot with the rapidly growing but still mini canine. Attacked the Feline waste disposal unit.

FELINE: about worthless, Failing miserably in the De-Mousification program. Still attacking Canines whenever possible. Deathly afraid of the sickly Political Prisoner in the medical ward. The self same prisoner(AKA Weasel) that on his daily walks still kicks the Felines butt with ease.

POLITICAL PRISONERS: I almost gave them the responsibility for the De-Mousification program but they are less trust worthy than the Feline. Hence their position as political Prisoners.

BENEVOLENT LEADER/DICTATOR FOR LIFE: I have given a rousing speech stating how we will never give in to the terrorist that are attacking our infrastructure. The Terrorist responsible for the attack met this speech with great support and applause as they were I'm sure the only ones in attendance. I have taken over the De-Mousification program because sometimes if you want the job done right you have to do it yourself.

Well that about wraps up this truncated report. I look forward to a more in depth report next week. Now I'm off to repress the masses and oppress the little people.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why Penn State got it WRONG.

If you have been following the situation at Penn State then you should be aware that Head Football coach Joe Paterno was fired last night in the most humiliating way possible. Today seems to be full of boot licking sports reporters going on and on about how Penn State "got it right". It is sad to see so many professional sports writers assisting Penn State in damage control by compounding bad decisions by upper management with another stupid and self-serving attempt to avoid the obvious truth that someone seriously dropped the ball in this sad situation.

Could Joe Paterno have done more? There is no doubt with the advantage of hind sight the answer is yes. However did Joe Paterno follow the rules that were in place for handling a situation like this and the only answer possible is YES He did. As is painfully obvious to any observer Joe Paterno followed the correct procedure that was set in place by the very institution that later turned on him in the most cowardly way possible.

Joe Paterno did in fact report this allegation to his proper chain of command and further up the ladder of responsibility the criminal actions of his superiors failed to carry things to the next and proper step. Those who were responsible for that failure have been properly fired and are now facing criminal charges for their failure to act.

This failure to act stands in stark contrast to the proper actions of coach Paterno. It is the height of cowardice and stupidity to blame the person who actually did follow the procedure He was supposed to follow for the subsequent failure of others who had a responsibility to act and did not.

The actions of the board of Regents in this matter is nothing but a shallow and obvious attempt to deflect blame back on the more popular name and best nationally known person in this entire sad series of events. I for one hope this dastardly action by the board costs them heavily when it comes to support of the alumni, boosters and fans of the Penn State football program for years to come.

I know this much if I had a son who was considering multiple options for a college football program I would strongly advise He avoid Penn State and choose another more worthy and honorable option. Quite frankly I find the actions of the Penn State upper management disgusting and cowardly and lacking in any moral courage or conviction. This self serving action announced last night is just another example of how wrong Penn States highest leadership is and I am forced to wonder now at this moment if that storied institution of higher learning is even capable of teaching even the basic idea of following the procedures that are set in place to report and resolve situations that arise from time to time.

I am not now nor have I ever been a big fan of the entire college football system as it is now structured. Don't get me wrong I love the game and I love the joy of competition one sees in college level sports that is sadly missing at the professional level. However the hypocrisy that is rampant in the management of the entire national system is simply too wide spread and ingrained for me to do much more than lament the missed opportunity for true greatness the college football and other sports programs is capable of but seems to miss with intentional purpose.

As it is obvious to anyone who observes almost any big college football program that the colleges and universities are simply using the system as a cash cow and have little to no concern for anyone involved in the system unless they can find some way to profit for their involvement. This current situation is just another example of cowardly pandering to the perceived bottom line that I for one hopes will come back and prove extremely costly to Penn State.

This is truly as sad day in college football history. A storied career ended in a despicable and cowardly fashion. Coach Joe Paterno had already announced his retirement and there was one game left to play and an institution with more class and courage would have let Coach Joe Paterno play out his last game with some semblance of dignity and allowed the Penn State football program move on to a new era in an orderly fashion. Were I a current member of this Penn State football team I would refuse to play the last game and let it end in a forfeit as a message to the Penn State board of regents that tradition and courage actually have meaning and trampling on them publicly as they have done is not in the best interests of anyone involved.

Shame on the Penn State board of regents for taking the only person who actually followed the procedure set in place for the proper handling of this type of situation and throwing him under the bus. Cowards each and every one of them and deserving of nothing but scorn and contempt. Sending the message that even those who follow the rules are not safe from the craven actions of an attempted saving of face and avoidance of further scrutiny is a revolting message and worthy of scorn and nothing to hold as an example for other to follow.

A sad situation all the way around that serves as an example of the worst kind of cowardice from people who are only concerned with saving their own skin and have no interest in supporting someone the only person in fact that followed the rules. Today I am very happy to have no connection to Penn State whatsoever as the actions of the board of regents have besmirched a fine and honorable man who has devoted years of his life to the institution. Shame on Penn State.

Friday, November 4, 2011

FRIDAY...its not just for breakfast anymore

Fri Jul 22, 2005 

Well friends it seems to be Friday again. Time for a quick update on the happenings in the workers paradise although I'm thinking of renaming it to the non-workers paradise as the majority of the residents here seem to feel that's what it is. Both the Canine and Feline population are lazy self absorbed and completely useless.

The Canines are continuing for the most part the ignore the Feline policy and are having mixed results. There have been several minor altercations between the Canines and the Feline in the last few days. Although the Canines do seem to be taking a great interest in the Mini-Canine that moved in next door and many meetings are taking place along the fenced border. Security has been upgraded and there have been no border crossings as of yet.

The Feline I'm afraid is totally insane and therefore mostly hopeless. There seems to be one small glimmer of hope in that he does recognize the squirt gun of you have pissed me off for the last time today so perhaps there is a little hope for him still. The problem is he doesn't remember it till you point it at him so its not really a good deterrent yet. As the Feline has begun to show some interest in his prior bad acts and started trying to chew cables again I am seriously considering upgrading the security status to the Paintball gun of I really mean it....DAMMIT. But we will have to see this could just be a phase he going thru.

There have been talks of acquiring some nonlethal forms of ...umm...communications shall we say? The Taser of mental health has been considered as a possible therapeutic tool to combat the Felines mental instability. We are exploring many options and this is one, another less costly option the car battery of shock and awe is also being considered. Although it is less portable it does have some advantages to consider.

Either way I'm sure I will keep you informed of any decisions made in that area as they become available.

On another note. One of the political prisoners has been moved to the infirmary and I wanted to take this opportunity to emphatically deny that it was due to any mistreatment by the current staff of the holding facility. This prisoner is being held for observation due to what is suspected to be a congenital defect and there are no other status updates available in his case. But the rumors of abuse by the facility personnel are totally untrue and should be disregarded.

Well I think that's about all I have to say today except to remind you......Please remember in your day to day conversations to always speak clearly and directly into the hidden mic's if your not sure where those microphones are just speak loudly and they will be sure to pick you up. The monitoring staff would like to thank you for your cooperation. While they assure me they report everything I suspect they have some favorites that tend to make their job easier and they will sometimes I suspect turn a blind eye to things as repayment. So you never know if you help them they MAY help you. Not that I have any official knowledge of this.....but graft and gratuity does make the world go round.